Chapter 51

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My eyes flick over to Kakyoin for a moment. He has a look of sadness in his violet eyes. The violet eyes I love so much.

I walk up to him, wrapping my arms around him. I can tell he's holding back tears.

"Nori... if something happens, please look after everyone for me. I trust you with all my life. Please, just know... I love you with all my heart." I whisper to him, now holding back my own tears.

I walk over to D'arby, pointing to a small dart board beside us. My aim and precise is pretty good and I don't exactly know how to play any card games so... darts it is.

"You know how to play darts, right?" I ask the gambler.

He nods his head. Time for the confusion since I don't actually know the rules of darts. I just have good aim.

"Good... because we're not going to be playing by the usual rules." I smirk.

I jump over the bar, the bartender yelling at me but he quietens down after a moment. I take ten small shot glasses from the back of the bar and place them on the front bar.

"Now, we will be using those darts to smash the shot glasses. Five each. Whoever hits the most, wins." I smile.

"You're very creative. Very well Y/N." D'arby smiles, bringing the darts over to me.

"Wait. I want to test them first. We can't have any cheating now can we?" I say referring back to how he used his cat to win over Polnareff.

I ask the bartender to put out an extra glass as D'arby hands me one of the darts.

I smile, throwing the dart towards the glass, smashing it instantly. I turn to the others with a smile, giving them a small wink.

"Very well... everything seems normal. Now we play for real." I smile.

"Of course. Ladies first." D'arby smirks, standing to the side.

I throw my first dart which smashes the glass just like before. I side glance at D'arby who still looks as calm as ever. He throws his first dart, missing the glass.

I throw my second dart which hits the glass again. 2 down 3 to go.

"Your turn." I say to the man beside me.

He lifts his arm and aims the dart. He throws it, the dart hitting the middle of the glass. Fair play. He probably just got lucky.

"Nice shot." I say, hoping that he will continue to play fair.

I aim my third dart, calculating where it should go. I can't miss a single shot if I want to win.

I throw my dart but before I fully let go, a man behind me bumps into me with his drink, sending my aim off.

I missed.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Kakyoin exclaims but he's held back.

"Yeah D'arby, you want a fair game, right? My throw was sabotaged when that man fell into me. By right, I should throw again." I state with some authority.

"Now, now... it wasn't me who sabotaged you. Your throw was final. There are no do overs." D'arby smiles.

Everyone to the side of me starts yelling in denial, except for Polnareff Polnareff whos soulless body is laying on the floor.

"Have it your way... cheater." I scowl at him.

I can still win. I just have to make the next 2 shots and he has to miss one. It's possible but it could go either way.

D'arby throws his next dart, landing a perfect hit to the glass. He turns to me and gestures for me to throw my shot.

I take a deep breath, focusing on the glass. I zone out all the noise around me. I pull my wrist back, letting the dart fly towards the glass.

Another perfect hit.

"You really are precise." D'arby laughs, casually throwing his next shot.

A hit.

If I want to win, I have to land this shot and D'arby has to miss. If I miss and he lands it, I loose. But if I miss and so does he, it's a tie.

I glance over at the others. They look scared. I know that I might not make it out alive here but I know that if I don't, they'll be able to carry on the mission and kill Dio.

Do it for them.

I sigh, focusing all my attention back to the glass in front of me.

I lift the dart, letting it slip from my fingers as it flies towards the glass. It is inches away from hitting it, getting closer and closer by the millisecond.

But there is no smash.

I missed.

"Oh dear Y/N... I take back what I said. Has the pressure gotten to you?" D'arby smirks.

"You know damn well that you cheated before. So just throw your god damn shot." I scowl at him.

He has to miss. If we tie, I have another shot at winning.


His dart instantly breaks the glass which mirrors the way my heart feels. I lost. I tried to help but I failed.

I look over at the others once more, a stray tear falling from my eye as I look at all their distraught faces.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

I feel my soul being torn from my body. I feel cold. My vision darkens until there is nothing at all.

The last thing I feel is my body hitting the hard floor.

The last thing I hear is everyone calling out my name.

The last thing I hear is Kakyoin scream my name in emotional pain.

Pain which I caused.

What's Worth Fighting For // Noriaki Kakyoin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now