Chapter 81

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It's been about 2 weeks since I got home from Italy. Nori and Jotaro are both coming home today which is why Mayumi and Jolyne are excited.

"Mommy! Where are they?!" Mayumi yells, Jolyne also rushing towards me.

"They- well look at that! They're both outside." I smile, pointing out the door.

Mayumi rushes towards Nori and Jolyne rushes towards Jotaro. Nori smiles, picking Mayumi up into his arms with ease, hugging her as she laughs. Jotaro places Jolyne on his shoulders which also makes her smile.

"Welcome home!"

I smile, hugging Nori who is still hugging Mayumi. I close my eyes, feeling content in the moment.

"I missed you both." Nori smiles, placing kisses to both our cheeks.

"We missed you too daddy!" Mayumi beams with a little giggle.

Shortly after, Mayumi and Jolyne rush off somewhere to go play, leaving myself, Nori and Jotaro to have some time to talk.

"Did you find anything in Morioh?" I ask, preparing some drinks in the kitchen for us.

"We found a Stand arrow so I sent it to the Speedwagon Foundation. Someone was misusing it. It took a while to get a hold of it but we did eventually." Nori smiles.

"We also took care of another problem. A man named Yoshikage Kira was killing women and taking their arms. He died by getting run over by an ambulance." Jotaro says as if it's the most normal thing ever.

I have to turn my back and cover my mouth slightly to prevent myself from laughing. That must be an awful fate but it's still quite ironic really.

"Well at least Morioh is safe now. So is Italy I hope. Polnareff and I found another arrow too. There was a man named Diavolo after it. He caused a few problems but we dealt with him." I smile softly, placing the drinks down in front of them.

"Thank you- ah!" Nori's hand slips slightly, the cup dropping from his hands.

Shit. This isn't how I'm supposed to tell them about my new ability. But I don't want to see Noriaki get hurt anymore.

"Wind Resistance! Hurricane stop motion!" I yell, causing Wind Resistance to appear and stop the cup from falling any further.

Both Jotaro and Nori stare at the cup with wide eyes. They then turn to me with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Y/N...? Did you- what did you do?" Nori asks.

"You better not be messing with us. You could never do this before so what gives?" Jotaro leans back in his chair with his arms folded.

Do they not believe me?

"I couldn't do it before, you're right. But when I was in Italy with Polnareff, we ran into... a bit of a situation." I sigh, walking over to pick up the cup, catching all the coffee in it before letting the cup be free of my Stand's ability.

"What do you mean? Are you hurt?" Nori asks with worry laced in his words.

"No I'm fine. We both are. But... when we got cornered, Diavolo was about to kill Polnareff. I couldn't watch and do nothing so... I did something stupid." I sigh.

The two males look at me with concern but they also seem intrigued. None of them say anything so I continue my explanation.

"We had a Stand arrow with us so... I stabbed myself with it."

"You what?!"

"Darling, what were you thinking?! Are you okay?! Do I need to call a doctor?!" Nori rushes over to me and checks me over.

I laugh a little bit, shaking my head. I push Nori back into his seat, taking one beside him.

"The Stand arrow... it entered my body and made me pass put. But when I woke up... I gained a new ability." I gesture to the cup which I had stopped in time.

"A new ability? So you can now just stop certain things in time?" Jotaro asks.

"Yes. I can even stop people and they can still see everything that is happening despite them not being able to move." I explain.

Jotaro and Nori stare at me with blank faces. I can tell that this is a lot of information for them, considering they just got back from their own mission.

But we finally figured out what the Stand arrows can do. This is exactly why we can't let them fall into the wrong hands.

"Y/N... that's amazing! You finally figured the arrows secret! I'm so proud of you!" Nori pulls me into a hug from beside me.

"You did well Y/N. I knew that if anyone would be able to figure it out, it would be you." Jotaro smiles slightly.

In the moment, I feel at peace with the world. We are now one step further with our research. I prevented Polnareff from being killed by Diavolo. We can now move on.

"Thank you. The new ability that the arrow can give someone is pretty powerful. Polnareff and I wanted to call it Requiem. It's sort of an upgrade. So as it stands, I have Wind Resistance Requiem." I explain to them.

This is a lot of information to take in all in one day and I know they just got back but they had to find out at some point.

We're one step closer to beining peace to the world of Stand users.

Let's just hope we can keep it this way.

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