Chapter 47

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The next day, Polnareff tells us that he is handing the sword into the police. He was supposed to do it yesterday but he must have forgot.

"I'm going to get a haircut. I'll see you guys later." Polnareff smiles whilst heading out of the hotel.

"Wait... why are you taking the sword? And shouldn't we come with you? We all know that you of all people shouldn't go alone." I mess with him.

Jotaro, Kakyoin and I all end up going with him to get his hair cut. He begins explaining how he wants his hair cutting to the man but I don't really care.

"So let's place bets. How long until Jotaro falls asleep?" I whisper to Kakyoin who just laughs quietly, turning my head to look at my brother who is already asleep.

He has fallen asleep with a small book in his hands. It looks to be a book about oceanic life.


The next thing we know, the barber has the sword up against Polnareff's neck. The man seems to be possessed by something.

"Wind Resistance!" I exclaim, bringing out my Stand. I use the wind to knock the sword out of his hands.

The man is knocked away from Polnareff and Jotaro begins to wake up. Attacks are thrown here and there until the man is sent flying into the street. Bystanders begin whispering and shouting around us.

I dart out of the small shop, picking up the sword before the man can get to it. Wind Resistance has already placed the sheath back on it.

"Ma'am, we ask you to step away from the scene. Hand over the sword!" An officer rushes over to me.

Shit, we can't let them get a hold of this now! The sword is the Stand! And whoever draws the sword becomes possessed by it.

"Y/N! Throw it, quickly!" Kakyoin exclaims, bringing out Heirophant Green ready to catch it.

I hold it back, getting ready to throw it but I fail to notice the other police officer behind me. The officer grabs the sword by the sheath and when I go to throw it, the sheath is ripped off.


You stupid, stupid girl. Now look what you've done! I, Anubis, now have full control over your body. It feels great to be in control of one of the Joestars.

I grip the sword in my hand, my body now not being controlled by me. Anubis must be the Stand user.

"Well then... what will you do now Jotaro? Kakyoin? Polnareff?" I say but my voice is all distorted.

Stop it! Leave my body! Just who the hell do you think you are?!

Oh... I don't think so.

"Leave her alone Anubis! If you're so bothered, you can possess me instead!" Kakyoin shouts, stepping foward slightly.

"Oh I'm afraid Y/N is no longer here. And why would I possess you instead? I have taken over the Y/N Joestar... or is it Kujo?" Anubis makes me say, smirking at Jotaro.

This fucking idiot is stronger than we think. I can't talk or even move my own body. I try to move but it's useless.

"Poor thing... she's a fighter you know. She's trying to fight against me. What a shame I'll have her kill you all!" Anubis laughs with my own laugh.

He's making me sound like a psychopath!

I lift my arm, swinging the sword towards Polnareff who calls out Silver Chariot, blocking my attack. Next, Kakyoin goes to wrap Heirophant around my arm but I dodge.

"Well, you must be stupid after all. I've taken over Y/N's body and mind! I know all about your abilities and Stands. I also know how much Y/N loves you, Kakyoin." I smirk.

No! Get out of my head!

I watch as Kakyoin's face drops. It almost looks as if his heart shatters before a look of determination washes over his face.

I keep swinging and dodging, Anubis using my own Stand against them, knocking them all down.

"Y/N stop this! This isn't you! You have to fight back!" Jotaro stands up, gritting his teeth.

Jotaro... what are you doing?! Anubis will kill you! Please, stay back!

"I know this isn't you..."

Jotaro stands in front of me with a slight frown. Anubis lowers the sword in my hand, faking that I'm in control. You sick bastard.

"I'm sorry..." Anubis makes me say in a soft voice before plunging the sword into Jotaro's abdomen.

How's that for a front row show Y/N? I hope you enjoy watching your brother die a slow and painful death!

"Jotaro!" Kakyoin and Polnareff shout, drawing Anubis' attention to them instead.

"You're next Kakyoin! I can't wait to see the pain on her face as I kill you!" Anubis exclaims.

However, as Polnareff and Kakyoin cause a distraction, Jotaro uses Star Platinum to break the sword into pieces until it is knocked out of my hand.

I gasp feeling light headed, my own consciousness coming back to my body. Jotaro defeated Anubis...


"Oh shit... no, no, no! Jotaro, stay awake!" I drop to my knees beside my brother. This is my fault. I did this.

For a moment, Jotaro gives me a smile before falling onto the floor in a pool of his own blood. I use Wind Resistance to hold his wound shut until we can get him medical attention.

Polnareff and Kakyoin run over to us, picking up my unconscious brother as we flee the scene, directly towards the hospital.

He'll be okay. He's a Joestar. We always make it through alive.

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