Chapter 31

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Once the plane took off, I watch the ground beneath us get further and further away as the buzzing of the plane surrounds us.

"Why did the baby have to sit in the middle? Polnareff can't you just hold it so I can sit there instead?" I give him a pleading look.

Of course I am sat on Kakyoin's lap. How embarrassing this is for me, trying to cover my red face.

"No can do, Mademoiselle!" He smirks and I huff, turning to the side slightly.

"I'm gonna get some sleep. I suggest you all do the same. Well, except you Grandpa Joseph. We don't need you crashing another plane now do we?" I tease him a bit.

Kakyoin gently wraps his arms around me and pulls me towards him so I can lean my head on his shoulder. I let my arms rest in front of me, lightly placed up against his chest as I begin to fall asleep.

"What the-"

I seem to be in that same creepy amusement park as before. Kakyoin is beside me, along with Polnareff.

"Nori, we're back here again. How is it possible that we are both having the same dream again?!" I exclaim, worried for what we are about to face.

"Oh this is cool!" Polnareff sits down on the ferris wheel seat, licking the ice cream in his hand.

Kakyoin and I share a look before knocking the ice cream and popcorn from his grasp, sending it over the edge of the ride.

"What did you do that for!? Just let me enjoy my dream." Polnareff looks like hes about to cry.

"Polnareff please, this is serious!" I rise my voice to get him to listen.

"I know this is serious! You just knocked my food away which is very serious." Polnareff folds his arms like a child.

I walk up to him, whacking him upside his head, his hair messing up slightly.

"Polnareff, Y/N and I had this same dream last night! We are under the attack of an enemy Stand, Death 13! When you wake up, you can't even remember what happened!" Kakyoin exclaims.

"He's right... if you get hurt in the dream, you get hurt in real life. Death 13 has the ability to kill us I'm our sleep. The Stand user is the baby we brought along with us." I inform Polnareff who now looks spooked out.

Suddenly, the dead dog from before starts to move slightly and something begins emerging from the wound on it's neck. It looks like a megaphone. But why?

"She's right Polnareff... You're a smart girl Y/N. It's a shame I'll have to kill you! Lali-ho!" Death 13 begins to emerge from the dead dog, holding it's scythe.

"Y/N get behind me!" Kakyoin exclaims, pulling me towards him. He stands in front of me as Polnareff stands to our left.

"You're an idiot Polnareff! You should have listened to them rather than being so selfish! Now I guess I'll have to kill you first! Lali-ho!"

Death 13 swings it's scythe towards Polnareff as he cries in terror. But before Death 13 can land a hit on him, Polnareff suddenly dissapears.

"Ugh! Polnareff must have woken up! No matter... I guess you're next, Kakyoin." Drath 13 practically smirks, floating over to Kakyoin.

"Don't you dare touch hi-"

I feel something wrap around my mouth, keeping me from talking. One of the poles from the ride carriage wraps around my body and keeps me from moving too.

I try to wriggle free or pull out my Stand but nothing works. Instead, I'm forced to watch Death 13 taunt Kakyoin.

"There's nowhere to go Kakyoin! No one even knows what is about to happen to you! Well... except for little Y/N over here." Death 13 wonders over to me, towering over me by a lot.

"I should just kill you now! You Joestars are just getting in Lord Dio's way. Especially you Y/N... you're just an annoying little girl!"

Death 13 raises it's scythe once again to strike me but before it gets the chance, a voice calls out to me.

"Y/N wake up!!!"

I snap my eyes open to see Polnareff, Jotaro and Grandpa Joseph in a state of panic. The Cessna seems to be going down.

Fuck, not again!

"What happened?! Why is the plane going down?!" I shout but suddenly feel an arm hit me in the side.

"Y/N calm Kakyoin down!" Grandpa Joseph exclaims, using Hermit Purple to take control of the Cessna.

I place both my hands on his shoulders in an attempt to stop him from moving. He struggles against my grasp but still doesn't wake up.

"Stop it! Stop-stop it!!" He jolts again but this time, I notice something weird on his arm.

Blood begins to drop down his arm but I don't remember him getting hurt. So where did the blood come from?

"We're gonna crash!"

I turn foward slightly only to see a palm tree in our way. We scream in unison before hitting the tree, crashing to the ground.

Due to the impact, Kakyoin wakes up to see me sat on top of him with my arms pressed against his shoulders.

"Y-you were thrashing in your sleep. I tried to get you to stay still. Are you okay?" I ask with a slight blush.

Kakyoin looks absolutely frightened at the entire situation. He must have had another nightmare like last night. Come to think of it, I feel like I had a nightmare before I woke up a few moments ago.

"I'm... fine. I'm fine." He sighs, giving me a very fake smile.

I'll have to ask him about that later.

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