Chapter 30

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A jolly theme park tune plays in the distance and the ferris wheel sways slightly. Everything seems brightly coloured.

That's weird... I swear I was in a hotel with the others before...

"Noriaki? How... what are you doing here? What am I doing here?" I look at Kakyoin who stands up, peering over the edge beside me.

"I'm not sure. Is this an amuse park? I swear I've never been to this one before. Where's Mr Joestar? I don't see Jotaro and Polnareff either..." Kakyoin frowns.

I look around to see that he's right. The only other living thing here with us is this random dog sat on the seat with us.

"You're right. I think we're alone. Wait! Do you hear that?" I ask hearing a baby crying just like last night.

"Yeah. That's strange... there's nobody else around, but I do hear the baby crying. I wonder where it's coming from...?" Kakyoin looks around.

I squint my eyes noticing something bizarre. Balloons begin to float up around us and it seems they have something attached to them. One balloon in particular comes towards us and Kakyoin takes the card from it.

"Oh no... this card...! The card, it's moving!" Kakyoin shouts.

I look down at it seeing the same thing. Death 13? Is that... is that a Stand?!

"Nori, look out!" I push him out of the way of Death 13's attack before he can get hurt.

The Stand's scythe manages to catch my forehead creating a cut which begins to bleed instantly. It also manages to cut Kakyoin's hand but nothing fatal.

The scythe lodges itself into the poor dogs head, its blood and brains flying everywhere.


I shoot my eyes open and sit up in bed. Kakyoin is screaming next to me as well which makes me wonder... did we just have the same dream?


Dream? Nightmare? I remember having a nightmare but I can't remember what happened.

"Guys?!" Polnareff rushes through the door and enters the room. He smirks for a moment seeing that we both slept in the same bed but soon comes over to calm us down.

"Stop screaming and shaking the bed like you're both the exorcist! You're freaking me out!"

Well he tried his best.

"And why are you two in the same bed...?" He raises an eyebrow, opening the window to let light in.

"I couldn't sleep, you dick! Now get out so we can get ready! We'll meet you in 15 minutes." I rub my head, feeling a slight pain.

Polnareff laughs, leaving the room. I look down at my hand when I pull it away to see blood. Blood?

"H-hey Nori? Did you have a horrible nightmare too?" I ask and he nods.

"You're bleeding..." Kakyoin brushes hair away from my eyes as he inspects the cut on my forehead.

Thats when I notice the cut on his hand. But none of this makes any sense. How did we both get hurt?

"It's fine. You're hand is bleeding too. I don't know what is going on but we need to get ready and meet the others." I slip out of the bed beside Kakyoin and grab my things to get ready in the bathroom.

Once we're ready, we grab our bags and leave the hotel with a weird aura in the air. We walk out of the hotel only to hear a kid shouting.

"Wahhh! My dog! My dog, hes...! What happened?! Who would do such a thing?! My dog, he's dead!" The little boy cries as he sits next to his dog.

The dog... I feel like I've seen a dead dog. But I can't remember where...

"Hey, hey, hey! Just hold on a minute buddy! What do you mean, you're not going to sell me the plane anymore?! I already paid you last night!" Grandpa Joseph and the other man get into an argument.

"You can have the money back. The fact is, there's a sick baby that has a 39 degree fever. There's no doctor in this village so we have to fly him to a village that has one." The man frowns.

A woman walks over with a baby in a small basket. The baby seems to be sweating profusely. But... I swear I heard a baby crying somewhere.

The man and Grandpa Joseph begin explaining both of our situations and why we should have the plane. I feel bad for the baby but... my mother could possibly die if we don't take that plane.

"What if you all take him do a doctor?" The man suggests.

How are we gonna fit everyone and a baby in a tiny Cessna?! I look back at the baby to see it smiling ominously, it's teeth razor sharp. That's not normal...

"Noriaki... did you just see what I saw?" I ask and he nods.

"He looked like he smiled just now. Does he already have teeth?" He asks, holding his arm out to the child.

The baby starts crying in the basket and Grandpa Joseph steps in, refusing to take the baby once again. Before anyone can say anything, Grandpa Joseph groans but accepts to take the baby.

"So... I'm driving, Jotaro is gonna be up front with me. Polnareff and Kakyoin will be in the back seat with the baby in the middle." Grandpa Joseph explains.

"What?! Where am I gonna sit?! I'm not sitting in the storage area, its tiny!" I exclaim.

Grandpa Joseph and Polnareff look at each other with smirks on their faces. Polnareff... that little shit! He told Grandpa Joseph about this morning!

"You can sit on Kakyoin's lap. Unless, you'd rather the baby sit on you?" He smirks.

I sigh, shaking my head. Looks like this flight is gonna be hell on earth. But something doesn't seem right about that baby. I feel like we should have left it here.

That baby is not normal.

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