Chapter 79

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My plane finally lands in Italy and all the passengers get off. I make sure I grab my bag and walk into the luggage claim.

I really hate to leave Nori and the others behind to deal with the weird shit going on in Morioh but I also can't leave Polnareff on his own.


Before I can even register what's happening, Polnareff is running towards me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Pol! It's been a while. How are you?" I smile, pulling back from the hug as he takes my suitcase for me.

"Amazing! I've finally managed to track down the Stand arrow. In fact, it's in this exact city." Polnareff smiles with accomplishment.

"Great. We can get it today then. The quicker we find it, the quicker we can transfer it over to the Speedwagon Foundation." I smile as we leave the airport.

"Today? You just got off the plane. Are you not tired?"

"No. Not if we have to find the Arrow before anyone else does. This search ends today." I say.

The two of us walk towards the hotel we are both staying in. I check in at the front desk before heading into my room. I order Polnareff to come with me so we can discuss our plan of action.

"If it's in this building here, it's best if we sneak in through the side entrance. That way, we're less likely to be spotted." I say.

Polnareff agrees and soon enough, we find ourselves sneaking down alleyway after alleyway to find out destination. It doesn't take too long and soon enough, we find ourselves outside the side door.

"You ready?" Polnareff asks and I nod.

The two of us slowly creep inside, making as little noise as possible. The room we find ourselves in is quite large with expensive decorations. Whoever lives here must be rich.

"I'll check upstairs. You stay down here." I say but before I can walk off, I get another vision.

Upstairs. I see myself walking upstairs with Polnareff just behind me. Then I see a small box on a shelf beside some books. The Stand arrow is in there.

The scene changes and I see Polnareff and I being chaced down by a man. A man with pink hair is shouting at us as we run away.

"I know where it is. But we have to get it and run. I think someone knows we're here." I whisper, rushing up the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible.

I scan the room to see the same box from my vision, rushing over to it. I open the lid, the Stand arrow delicately placed inside. I grab the wooden handle, prying it from the box.

"Y/N, someone's here. We have to leave." Polnareff whispers, opening the window of the room as we sneak outside.

"Jump. Wind Resistance will catch us." I say as we both jump. My Stand breaks our fall and we begin running.

We go in the opposite direction to try and avoid whoever is following us but unfortunately, they manage to spot us just before we fully get away.

"Shit! It's him! He's after us! Just keep running!" I yell as I grip the arrow tighter in my hand.

The man with the pink hair with black spots chases after us but what's weird is that he somehow manages to teleport forward a few times, catching up to us.

My lungs feel like they have been set ablaze, my legs wanting to give up.


Polnareff pulls me back as I'm about to run off the edge of the cliff. How did we even run this far?

"You stupid woman. You dare take that arrow from me? How stupid are you?" The man with the pink hair scolds me, taking a few steps foward.

"Back off! Do you even know what this does?!" I yell at the man.

"Just. Give. It. Here."

The man walks towards us so we bring out our Stands. Wind Resistance breaks off a few branches from a single tree, turning them into spears. They are launched towards the man but they don't do anything. He somehow evades our attack.

"Don't be so stupid! You're messing with something you don't understand!" The man laughs, continuing to dodge our attacks.

"Y/N look out!" Polnareff exclaims.

The pink haired man uses his Stand to get closer to me but I roll out of the way just in time. The arrow flies out of my hand and the pink haired man stands in front of me.

"Pathetic. People like you get nowhere in this world. You're worthless." The man smirks down at me as I feel blood pooling beneath my knees. I must have scraped them when I rolled.

"No, you're the one who is worthless. You're messing with something you shouldn't be messing with." I grit my teeth, standing up from the floor.

The man chuckles, turning his back to me. He somehow ends up standing directly in front of Polnareff, his Stand somehow managing to slash Polnareff's right eye.


The pink haired man chuckles as he backs Polnareff into a corner, the Frenchman worried for his life.

I have to do something to save him.

The man thinks I'm useless. He thinks I'm worthless. He thinks I'm weak.

I'll show you just how wrong you are.

"Hey dickface!" I yell, reaching out to grab the Stand arrow. The pink haired man widens his eyes, just how Dio did back in Cairo.

"What- stop this!" The pink haired man shouts, his attention no longer on Polnareff.

"You messed with the wrong people."

I plunge the arrow into my chest, the pain being unbearable. I scream out in pure agony as my whole body feels like it's on fire.

Then everything dissapears.

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