Chapter 50

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Kakyoin and I sit outside the hotel with our bags, waiting for everyone else to show up.

"There you are! We were wondering where you went off to." I laugh, looking at the state they are in.

Avdol and Grandpa Joseph look a bit embarrassed and beaten up. Jotaro looks the same as usual and Polnareff looks kind of sad. Probably over a woman.

"We had to deal with enemy Stand users whilst you two slept in." Grandpa Joseph folds his arms.

"Actually Mr Joestar, we had to deal with a Stand user of our own. She had the ability to change people into someone else's body." Kakyoin tells them.

"Yeah it was so weird! Imagine having the ability to move someone into someone else's body. It is so weird!" I laugh.

The seven of us finally make it into the car and of course, I'm sat on Kakyoin's lap in the back. Of course, I'm not bothered by now. Just wait until the others find out that we're dating...

"Oh my god... is that...?" I look at a small sign coming into view.

Welcome to Cairo

"Yes it is. We have finally arrived in Cairo." Avdol smiles.

After all this time... we finally made it. Now we just need to find out where Dio is. We can get Grandpa Joseph to use Hermit Purple in order to find his exact location.

And that's exactly what we do.

"I think we should just ask around. Cairo is pretty big." I suggest.

"I agree! Who knows how long it will take for us to find it on our own." Polnareff slings his arm across my shoulder.

"Polnareff, you're only agreeing with me so you can find more women to flirt with." I laugh.

Now, the seven of us find ourselves wondering the streets of Cairo in order to find where Dio's mansion is. We ask a lot of different people in different places but we still only get one answer.


"Maybe we should try that small cafe next. There are quite a few people there." Kakyoin suggests.

We nod, walking into the small cafe. He's right about there being quite a few people. Although, I am getting a weird feeling about this place.

We ask the man at the bar if he's seen the building but instead of telling us first, he tells us to buy a drink and then he'll tell us. Money grabbing asshole!

We all drink the refreshments we are given, placing the empty cups back on the bar.

"No, I haven't seen it." The man smirks and walks away.

"Why you-" I go to climb over the bar to lay a punch on him but Kakyoin holds me back.

"Maybe I can help you."

We look over at a man who is sat at a table with a smirk. He has cards and poker chips strung around the table.

"Of course... my help will come with a price." He smiles at us.

"We're in a rush so hurry up. Here's 10 pounds." Grandpa Joseph pulls out and Egyptian note from his wallet but the man shakes his head.

We offer him a 20 note instead but he still doesn't take it.

"In return, I would like something more valuable. How about... your soul." He smirks.

What? Is this guy serious? I can't tell if he's serious or not.

"Oh... how about we play a little game? Let's see which piece of meat the cat goes for first. The left or the right." The man throws 2 pieces of meat towards the cat.

Polnareff steps up, looking at the man dead in the eyes with determination.

"Fine! It's going to go for the right!" He predicts as if he is so certain. But we can't exactly be certain of what might happen here.

"And... do you bet your soul?"

"Yeah, yeah, I bet my soul... whatever." Polnareff folds his arms with a smile.

I take a step towards Kakyoin, holding onto his hand so no one else could see. This guy is giving me a weird feeling.

The cat rushes over to the meat, grabbing one piece, then the other. Of course Polnareff got cocky and lost. Now how will we find Dio?

"It seems you have lost, Polnareff. Now... about your soul." The man at the table spits Polnareff's name with a sly tone.

Suddenly, something reaches out from behind the man and rips Polnareff's soul from his body. His eyes roll back and his skin becomes pale.

"Polnareff!" We exclaim, watching in horror.

Polnareff falls to the ground so I rush over to check for any sign of life.


"You bastard... you're a Stand user aren't you?! You work for Dio!" I place everything together piece by piece. We should have seen this coming.

"My my, Lord Dio warned me about how smart you are. But if you want your friend back... you'll have to bet your soul."

Everyone turns to me with wide eyes. I can tell they don't want me to but we have to find Dio. I make eye contact with Kakyoin who shakes his head, a worried look on his face.

I'm so sorry.

"Do I get to choose what we play?" I ask and the man we now know as D'arby answers with a nod.

"Of course. It wouldn't be a fair game otherwise. We don't want any cheating now do we?" He smirks.

I'll have to keep a very close eye on him.

"Fine. Then... I bet my soul."

"Y/N no! What are you doing?!" Grandpa Joseph exclaims.

"With all due respect Miss Y/N, we don't fully know what the man is capable of. Maybe this isn't the best idea." Avdol suggests.

He's right. But we already lost Polnareff and we can't afford to loose again. We must find Dio and kill him.

For my mother.

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