Chapter 5

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A split second after the flesh bud is removed, the boy falls unconscious. I rush over to his side and drop to my knees, checking for a pulse.

"He's still alive. Can someone grab me some medical supplies so I can tend to him?" I ask.

I hear a small groan and I look back down at the boy who now has his eyes wide open. I look down at him and he looks up at me. But none of us say anything.

There is a look of guilt and thankfulness behind his violet eyes as we continue not to break eye contact.

"Here." Jotaro drops the medical supplies next to me and turns his back to leave. The boy finally tries to sit up so I help him slightly, not wanting him to feel any pain.

"Tell me... why did you risk your life to save me?" The boy asks my brother curiously.

I honestly have no idea what happened at school today but it must have been bad if Jotaro had to risk his life. But I also find it strange how he risked his life for some random boy.

"I dunno. I don't really have an answer for that." Jotaro tips his hat down slightly and walks out of the room.

I sigh, looking through the medical supplies, pulling out some things to disinfect the wound on the boys head.

"This might sting a little bit so I'm sorry." I apologise to him in advance but he nods in approval for me to go ahead. Once I finish, I gently bandage his forehead and brush his hair away from getting stuck underneath it.

"Thank you. I don't think we have been properly introduced. My name is Noriaki Kakyoin. It's nice to meet you..." the boy, Kakyoin, says with a small smile.

"Y/N Kujo. It's nice to finally meet you Kakyoin." I chuckle slightly, packing away the medical supplies.

"Finally? You know who I am?" Kakyoin asks surprised.

"You're in some of my classes at school. I saw you around on your first day." I softly smile, not wanting to sound like a stalker or something.

After our brief introduction, my mother rounds the corner and enters the room.

"Oh sweetie, I see you fixed up Mr Kakyoin. Please would you show him to one of our guest rooms?" She politely asks.

"Of course! Here, let me help you stand up." I offer my assistance to the boy.

He takes my hand and I help him stand up. However, I can't exactly help too much as he is way taller than me and extremely well built.

I grab onto his arm gently, leading him out the room and towards where he will be staying for a while so he can heal. I look up at him to see a slight red tint to his cheeks.

He must be warm.

"Aha! Here's where you'll be staying. Theres a bathroom with everything you'll need if you feel like taking a shower. We have fresh blankets and covers on the bed so you don't have to worry about that." I give Kakyoin a soft smile.

He turns to me and returns to smile, the cherry red tendril slightly blowing in front of his face.

"Thank you Y/N. Your politeness and hospitality means a lot." He bows his head slightly.

"It's no problem! Besides, if you need anything, my room is right beside this one. Don't hesitate to come get me if anything is wrong." I inform him.

He thanks me again before entering the room and we part ways.

What a crazy day this has been.

I laugh to myself, looking around the house for everyone else. But I can't seem to get Kakyoin out of my head. Yes, I have to admit he is very attractive but there's something else about him. I just can't put my finger on it.

Due to being stuck in my own thoughts, I walk into something. Or should I say someone.

"Watch it bitch."

I look up at my brother who has the same stoic expression as usual.

"Sorry Jojo. I was kinda spaced out. Where is everyone else?" I ask, calling him by his nickname I sometimes use.

"Good grief. How am I supposed to know? Go find them yourself." He says before walking away.

I shrug of his bluntness and keep searching until I find Grandpa Joseph.

"Hey Gramps." I smile as I enter the room. I sit down beside him when I remember the odd vision I had. Should I tell him about it.

"Oh! Y/N! What a lovely surprise. What could I do for my favorite Grandchild?" He booms which makes me laugh.

"Grandpa Joseph... have you ever had weird visions? Like you just zone out?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

He looks at me curiously as if wanting me to continue.

"Well, yesterday I had something like it. I was in my room trying to do my homework when I just blanked out. All I could see was fire. Lots of fire and people shouting over the noise. I'm so confused. What does this mean?" I ask.

Grandpa Joseph looks shocked for a moment. He places a hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"I believe your vision could have either been and insight for the present or future. Yesterday when we went to get your brother out of jail, Avdol used his Stand to get him out. They're the flames you saw." He tells me.

"Wait so... what I saw in my vision was real?" I ask.

Grandpa Joseph nods and sips his coffee he has in his hand.

"You are stronger than you give yourself credit for Y/N." He finishes and places his coffee cup down.

Thats a lot to take in.

"Thanks Grandpa Joseph. I dunno what I would do without you." I smile as we say our goodbyes for the day and I retreat to my room to process everything that has happened.

What. A. Day.

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