Chapter 22

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Within seconds, Wheel Of Fortune has already made it's way up the cliff and is ready to attack.

"Haven't you realised yet? Do you still not understand what my Stand can do?! Haven't you noticed the smell of gasoline?" The Stand user laughs.

"Now that you mention it, I have been smelling gasoline." Kakyoin scrunches his nose at the smell.

Before any of us get the chance to attack, Jotaro attempts to hit Wheel Of Fortune with Star Platinum but instead...



My brother's body goes up in flames as he cries out in severe pain. Kakyoin reaches out and grabs my wrist, pulling me into his chest so I don't see the horrible sight in front of me.

I sob into his chest, trying to block out Jotaro's screams of agony which soon subside. Kakyoin runs his hand through my hair, attempting to comfort me as I continue to cry into his chest.

"Hey asshole!"

I pull back to look at the source of the voice to see my brother with a smirk.

He's alive!

My tears finally stop but I don't move away from Kakyoin, finding his hold comforting. His arms make me feel safe.

Jotaro manages to defeat the enemy Stand and we all surround him. He has oddly buff arms yet, his body is rather small. How bizarre.

"Hey guys look! The car has turned into a shitty little car!" I point out, laughing.

The strange man tries to crawl away from us but Polnareff stops him before he scurries off.

We eventually write a note and tie the man upside down to a rock, placing chains around his body to make sure he won't escape.

I am a monk in training. Do not disturb me.

"That should do it. Now, we need to head towards Pakistan. We can use his car." Grandpa Joseph starts up the car for us.

I look up at Kakyoin who I didn't realise still had a hold on me. His face turns slightly pink and I felt face heat up too.

"Sorry." He whispers a small apology, letting me go.

Part of me is sad that he let go since his warmth and presence is comforting. But the other part of me is thankful because I don't want my face to be anymore red than it already is.

Once we all get in the small cramped car, we finally set off once more. However, after about an hour of driving, we seem to hit a large amount of thick fog.

"Ugh I can't even see a thing because of the fog!" Polnareff exclaims, trying his best to stay away from the cliff side.

"You're right. We should find a hotel and stay in that small city down there." Grandpa Joseph says.

Next to me, my brother tenses up which alerts me. I look outside the car to see what looks like a dead dog. Who would do that to such a poor animal?

"Y/N, Jotaro? You guys okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." Kakyoin asks from my other side.

I nod my head, not wanting to be outside in this fog anymore. Luckily for us, we make it down to the small city in no time, parking our car as we arrive.

"This place gives me the creeps! It's like a ghost town." I shiver.

"I agree. With this fog, we could be attacked by an enemy Stand at any moment." Kakyoin sticks close to me.

We look around for a hotel but we can't see a thing. Grandpa Joseph tries to greet a man and ask for directions to the nearest hotel.

But the man just turns and walks away.


I run over to where Polnareff was screaming as does everyone else. A man is laying dead on the ground with a pace of pure shock. He has a gun in his hand which has recently been fired.

"Hey lady! A man has been killed! Call the police!" Kakyoin tries to get the attention of a women who is stood in an alleyway with her child.

"Someone's dead you say? Oh, please excuse the boils on my face." The woman responds.

I take a step back, gently grabbing onto Kakyoin's arm. He moves his arm around me to protect me which makes my face heat up.

"Didn't you hear me?! I said call the police!"

"Oh the police... yes. I must have forgotten. I'll go call them... oh my boils are so itchy..." the woman walks away mumbling to herself.

She's definitely not going to call the police. There is seriously something wrong with this place. Could this be the work of an enemy Stand?

"Woah that really isn't normal!" Kakyoin and I walk back to the others, seeing a man with multiple holes in his body but no blood.

"Come on, we have to get out of here. Let's get in the car!" Grandpa Joseph tries to jump over something to get to where I assume the car is.

"Oh my god!"

We stare at him as he uses his Stand to pull him up as he almost got himself skewered on a spiked fence gate.

"What the hell?!" He shouts, looking at us.

"Hey old man, the car's over here." Jotaro scoffs at Grandpa Joseph who looks at us confused.

A few moments later, a figure emerges from the fog. An old lady wonders over to us with a smile. Where did she come from?

"Oh you must be travellers! I run a small bed and breakfast. I can give you a hearty discount." The woman smiles.

I have a bad feeling about this.

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