Chapter 58

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I refuse to believe this is about to happen!

I feel my heart beating in my chest, all noise being drowned out.

How do I change fate?

How do I save him?

Can I save him?

Panic rises in my chest as I watch Dio float in front of him with a smirk. Grandpa Joseph is shouting but I can't tell what he is saying. Kakyoin is stood proudly facing Dio on his own.

I'm not letting my vision come true.

I tug on the reins, the wind horse darting foward until I'm in view of everyone. I make the horse come to a stop and it stands up on its hind legs.

I rip the Stand arrow from my jacket and hold it in the air like a sword.


Everything seems as if it stops. Dio turns to look at me with a smirk but his eyes show slight fear when he sees the Stand arrow in my hand.

"Y/N go! Get out of here! What are you doing?!" Grandpa Joseph yells at me.

My horse continues to stand on it's back legs and I keep my defense up. Kakyoin and I lock eyes, fear shown in his eyes as he sees me.

His expression tells me to run...

... but I can't run...

... not without you.

"You foolish girl! What do you plan on doing with that? You don't even know what it is. Now give it to me!" Dio turns to look at me.

Change fate. Change fate. Change fate!

"Oh yeah? If you want it... then go get it!" I use as much force as possible to throw it away from us. Wind Resistance uses her ability to throw it away as quickly as possible.

In a split second, Dio is already holding the arrow in his grasp. He turns his back for a split second and I use this moment to pull on the reins of the stallion one more time.

I make the stallion jump from the building, practically flying towards Kakyoin. I stand on the horse, jumping from it's back as I grab onto Kakyoin, pushing him away from the scene.

From the sudden force, we are sent flying back away from Dio.

But I fail to notice the water tower.

"Wind Resista- ahh!"

I fall to the ground, scraping my arms and knees from the impact. I feel water beneath me. Water...


I look up to see Kakyoin laying up against the water tower just like in my vision. His eyes are closed and he isn't moving.

"No... no, no, no please! No, please wake up Nori... Noriaki Kakyoin you better wake up right now!" I stand up, pulling his body away from the water tower.

There is a spot of blood from where he landed.

"Please... Nori open your eyes. Please!!!" I scream.

I continue screaming as he lays limp in my arms. Blood begins leaking into my legs as he rests peacefully in my arms.

It feels as if time stops. Everything seems grey. Grandpa Joseph doesn't say anything. Even Dio is quiet.

Tears are flowing from my eyes as the most terrifying scream comes from my throat. I feel like I'm screaming forever.

I feel as if part of me has been torn away from me. We only knew each other for 50 days. Those days felt like years. He was one of my reasons to be happy.

And Dio didn't kill him.

I did.

I cradle Kakyoin in my arms, sobbing my heart out. Dio has now disappeared and I look up at Grandpa Joseph who looks distraught at the scene in front of him.



Dio keeps disappearing and reappearing somewhere else! The World's ability is to stop time!

With shaky hands, I gently lay Kakyoin's lifeless body on the floor, kissing his cheek for the last time. I gently place his hand down on the ground, standing up.

"I'm so sorry Nori... I love you. Forever and ever. You will always be in my heart. The world didn't deserve you. None of us did. Goodbye Noriaki." I cry, turning towards Grandpa Joseph.

I'm sorry I have to leave you behind.

But I promise you this... we will avenge you.

"Y/N! We have to go!" Grandpa Joseph shouts as I float over to him.

"I figured it out. Dio's Stand... he can stop time." I say with a monotone voice, feeling like every bit of happiness has been stripped away from me.

Grandpa Joseph widens his eyes and looks down at me. He pulls me in for a hug, making me sob harder than before.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I know how much you loved him." He frowns.

When we pull away, we turn to hear a commotion coming from down the street. People are screaming and crying out for help.

"He's over there. He's probably going after Jotaro and Polnareff." I scowl, rushing towards the noise.

Dio already messed with us enough. I'm not gonna let him kill my brother and one of my closest friends.

"Y/N! Get back here!" Grandpa Joseph exclaims as I jump from the roof, floating down to the ground. I call out my Stand, having her break a piece of wood from the side of a building.

I use the wood as a sort of surf board, flying through the air as we make our way to the others. Grandpa Joseph uses Hemit Purple to swing behind me.

My heart still hurts from watching Kakyoin's face as I killed him. I betrayed him. He was the only person I feel that I would ever love.

And I fucked up.

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