“Let it go,” Chi Shuo said decisively. “We'll steal theirs.”

He instantly abandoned the blue buff and circled around the river pathway to steal the enemy's red buff. Afterwards, he returned to his own jungle and got the blue buff down to low health before calling out to Ye Shaoyang.

“Shaoyang, come take the blue.”

Ye Shaoyang threw out one Q skill and easily took down the blue buff.

A wave of bullet comments flooded across the livestream screen—

[Captain Chi is giving away the blue again? It's par for the course now.]

[All of the blue buffs have gone to Yangyang this season. Captain Chi has basically never taken a blue buff, right?]

[Ai, it looks like Tianhuan is trying to raise up their mid laner. They've already completely given up on their jungler core comps. My heart aches.]

After seeing Chi Shuo play a support jungler in several matches in a row, all netizens were wondering if Tianhuan had really given up on their jungler core comps.

But in truth, Tianhuan was only hiding most of their strongest comps for their Group S games.

After taking the blue buff, Ye Shaoyang could comfortably clear minions in his lane.

Once he finished clearing a wave of minions, he moved up to the top lane to provide some assistance to Old Qin. While there, he picked off a few more minions. All this was, of course, planned out in advance.

The Trapper was too weak in early-game, and the Destruction Mage couldn't instakill any enemy heroes at that time either. So, Tianhuan simply let the first minor dragon go without contesting it. Chi Shuo also hurried up to the top lane, working with his teammates to pressure the enemy top laner back to CYC's tower. They managed to deal a good amount of damage to CYC's defensive tower as well.

One commentator couldn't help but say, “Tianhuan is playing a bit passively in this round! They've let the first minor dragon go. It looks like they also know that the Trapper is too weak in team fights. There's no way for them to beat the enemy.”

“CYC is focusing on the bottom lane, and Tianhuan is focusing on the top lane. Are they trying to avoid getting into a big team fight in early-game?”

“Avoiding a fight definitely isn't what CYC wants, because CYC's freeze comp is very powerful in team fights. They would love to lure Tianhuan into an early-game team fight, where they can kill anyone they freeze!”

“They're aggressively pushing towards the tower… oh, beautiful! Tianhuan's marksman has been frozen!”

“And the marksman instantly uses his cleanse! Fanxing's reaction speed here was extremely fast. He instantly cleansed that freeze status and ran! However, the enemy charged into the range of their tower and killed their support.”

“CYC's marksman has taken the first kill!”

The two commentators' voices were full of excitement, and their words were accompanied by the sounds of applause from inside the stadium.

As a long-established team, CYC had quite a few fans of their own. They had just taken down a minor dragon with four players, then gone to push on the bottom lane. Their tactics and performance were quite good. Not only did they take the minor dragon, they managed to kill Qu Jiang in a 4v2.

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