Pushing straight to the enemy base after wiping out their heroes was a sort of 'sudden death' that didn't just catch NTG's players off guard. Tianhuan was actually a bit surprised as well. Originally, they'd planned on fighting until the thirty-minute mark, but they ultimately wrapped things up in twenty minutes.

The second round began.

Tianhuan was playing as the red team this time, with NTG playing blue and getting the first ban.

NTG's coach dedicated their first ban to Chi Shuo's namesake hero, the Bloodstained Assassin, without hesitation. Tianhuan continued to use their first bans on support heroes. Then, for NTG's second ban... the coach hesitated.

And after a moment of hesitation, NTG chose to ban the Abyssal Lord.

A gasp rippled through the crowd. The commentators laughed and started to discuss.

"The Abyssal Lord made it onto the ban list after all! With that pentakill in the first round, Tianhuan's new mid laner has shown us that he's very adept at playing this hero. It's very ordinary to use the second ban on him!"

"He sent the Abyssal Lord onto the ban list after just one round. It's easy to see that Ye Shaoyang performed very well!"

"But with that, the jungler cores Chi Shuo is good at are free!"

"That's right. NTG has let the Stealthy Rogue out. This is one of the heroes Chi Shuo is best known for playing!"

The bullet comments filled up with jokes.

[NTG's coach is thinking, 'Can I get a few more bans?']

[Hahaha, they don't have enough bans to go around! Everyone always targeted Chi Shuo like crazy, but now they're realizing that Tianhuan's omega mid laner seems to be a bit awesome. Better ban a mid laner!]

[Playing against Tianhuan is going to be rough in the future. What should people ban?]

[Tianhuan-Lieyang's fan club here, reporting for duty!]

[The little omega gege only used the Abyssal Lord in one round and already got him banned. This little gege is too cool?]

[Waiting to see Captain Chi's jungler core~]

However, Tianhuan didn't rush to pick a jungler. Just like before, they chose a bottom lane duo first.

In this round, they took the classic combo of the Forest Envoy and the Divine Archer for the bottom lane. A healing support plus a marksman that flourished in late-game-it was obvious with just these picks that Tianhuan intended to drag the game out this time.

Their third pick went to the top laner again. Qin Yizhu once again took the Black Dragon Knight, which he felt pretty comfortable with.

NTG's coach was a bit confused. He had practically trembled with fear when he left one of Chi Shuo's powerful jungler cores unbanned, but then Tianhuan didn't choose a jungler! So, was it true that Chi Shuo's condition was declining, and he could no longer play jungler cores? Or was Tianhuan saying... they didn't need a jungler core?

Once more, Tianhuan waited to pick their jungler and mid laner last. Chi Shuo ultimately continued to choose the Brawler as a support jungler, while Ye Shaoyang chose a more traditional mid laner-the Frost Goddess.

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