"I don't know what to do anymore. I really don't. I love you, I have since you got here, and it might sound stupid." He shrugged and looked into her eyes. "But I want you here. With me. "

Hoseok got up, standing in front of minji. "So you're staying. You can learn to love me like I love you with time. I could wait a lifetime for you."

Hoseok kissed Minji's forehead.

"I'm going to check on my mom and your fresh clothes. Stay here and rest. I don't want your leg splitting open again,"

Living with the Jungs wasn't as bad as Minji had hoped. She had only hoped so  she could stop herself from enjoying her stay.

Minji liked living with them. That was the problem. The house was full, so full of life that it was so hard to hate it. It didn't help that Hoseok was the ideal man. Though something in minji made her hate being around him no matter what he said. It was odd to her. Despite all his advances, Minji felt like she was stuck in the same feelings from the day he brought her to his home.

Minji couldn't see herself loving him like he loved her. She couldn't see herself loving the man who brought her here like the rest of the family had hoped.

His aunt and uncles pushed her to be with him all the time. It got draining. Especially since he loved every moment.

Minji didn't mind the rest of the family. She got along fine with everyone but hoseok. Especially Hoseok's kind mother and father. It made her feel bad for her distaste in their son.
Minjis' wound healed quickly and nicely due to Hoseok, his mother, and a few aunts coming by to help. Hoseok was so happy to see Minji walk without a limp.

"Are you hungry?" Hoseok called from the kitchen. It was another long day for her. Minji spent the day with Hoseok, almost like every day, but this time, he was a lot busier than he normally was due to the full moon coming.

Hoseok liked to keep minji on her feet. Ever since her leg healed, Minji was forced to do everything with hoseok. Whether that was checking on close by forest people or planning different events. Hoseok claimed it was since he wanted to be around minji all the time, but minji had only come to the conclusion that the family collectively agreed to make sure she wasn't able to do witchcraft. Which explains why Hoseok's aunts and uncles were so pushy when it came to Minji being alone.

"No," Minji simply answered from the dining room table. She was currently messing with the twine from the baskets she and hoseok were tasked to make.

Hoseok came with a bowl with grapes and placed it in front of her despite her answer.

Hoseok sat down next to her with a sad look on his face. "Are you doing okay?" He quietly asked.

Minji nodded, tugging on the twine.

"You're so short with me. What's going on?"

"I've always been like this. Like I've said multiple times before, we don't know each other so…"

Hoseok sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm trying! I'm trying so hard, minji! What else would you like me to do that'll make you happier? Everyone notices your behavior. You're so closed off and distant that it hurts."

Minni looked at him. For some reason, she didn't seem to care that much.

"Hoseok, please. I don't know."

"What don't you know? Tell me so I can fix it!" He pleaded, going to grab minji's hand to hold.

"It's nothing you can fix. It's just how it is… I'm just mentally tired of everything. You know what's funny, the full moon is coming and I can't do anything cause I'm stuck with you. It's always like that. Like now. I'm stuck making stupid baskets out of the wrong twine! How am I supposed to be happy when I'm basically tied to you?"

"Minji, you should have told me sooner…listen, I just thought it would be better for us to be closer and together since you're always complaining that we don't know each other. I'm not trying to keep you from doing anything…promise!"

"Seems like bullshit. The only reason I'm always around is for you to keep me from doing witchcraft…"

"No! No...okay maybe but it's for the better-"

"The better? Hoseok, how is keeping a witch from doing witchcraft for the better?"

Hoseok looked conflicted.

"It's so you don't hurt yourself and try to run again! I can't have you trying to run! Especially when it's so close!"

Minji looked at him like he was stupid.

"What's so close?"

Hoseok stopped himself from talking to think.

"Seriously? What?" Minji crossed her arms. She was surprised she hadn't stormed away yet.

"The full moon?" Hoseok smiled, obviously lying.

"Bullshit! Tell me!" Minji stood up, and Hoseok quickly copied.

"Calm down! Getting angry isn't good!" Hoseok placed his hands on minjis shoulders, to which were shoved off.

"Stop. Tell me! Or I'm going to get mad for real."

"Okay, okay. Listen. Mom was talking about…perhaps the full moon would be a good time to tie us together… Full moons are important. Especially for you. She- we think it's better for us to make us official. To get married. Have…kids. Normal married couples do. I thought it was good. I thought we were going good… you would be happier, and I would be able to take care of you in an official sense…"

"You're insane,"

Minji shoved Hoseok away and made a beeline towards the door.

"Minji!" Hoseok was quick to catch up.

"I know this isn't the ideal way of finding out…it's for us! Why are you so against us being together after everything I've done?"

"What have you done besides keep me like an animal?"

"Stop! You're not an animal. You never were. I'm just trying to keep you safe!"

"From what?"

"The damn men who want you as much as I do! I can't let you go near open water in fear of you getting dragged through. I can't have yoongi coming around because I know for a fact you would drop everything to be with him. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON JEON. He got away," hoseok pointed his finger towards the door. "But he is still out there. I'm not going to let that bastard take you. You want to know what that boy did to his parents? He killed them. What's stopping him from doing that to you?"

Minji's eyes watered. She was too shocked to say or do anything.

"Stay with me. It's better. You make me happy. I can do better." Hoseok came close and pushed Minji into his chest.

"Just stay…I don't know what I would do with myself if you left me…"

︿︿،، ♡ ⏧·₊̣̇. "

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