After going home, Chi Shuo sent Ye Shaoyang a message and explained: [I originally wanted to come spend time with you today, but something came up to delay me. Fang Zhengqing, Xu Zhuo, and the others came to Star City. I had a small dinner meeting with them.]

Any half-decent alpha had to report their daily activities to their omega.

Although the two of them had yet to confirm their relationship, Chi Shuo felt like it was better to tell Ye Shaoyang these things.

Ye Shaoyang was a bit baffled.

If you guys are having dinner, then have dinner. Why are you telling me?

He thought for a while, then very quickly thought he understood Chi Shuo's meaning. He answered: [Oh, it's pretty good for you to meet up with them, Captain Chi. Once the games begin, there won't be much time for personal meetings.]

Chi Shuo wrote: [Yes, that's right. What time will you be returning to the team?]

[I plan on going back the day after tomorrow, a bit early.]

[Okay, I'll go with you.]

Chi Shuo immediately booked the tickets to return to the capital.

On January 10th, before their break officially ended, he and Ye Shaoyang made an early return trip to the base.

While they were at the airport, Chi Shuo even took the initiative to help Ye Shaoyang get Xiao Bai checked in. He was extremely thoughtful about taking care of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang didn't think there was anything wrong with that. He also took good care of his teammates when he was a captain in his previous life.

Since Tianhuan was still officially on vacation, the cafeteria at the base wasn't open. Chi Shuo went to the nearby market to buy some groceries, and he cooked for Ye Shaoyang every day in their dorm room.

The two of them ate together every day and played with Xiao Bai. They spent the rest of their time playing ranked matches, and their days of relaxation and contentment passed breezily.

Very quickly, their other teammates returned from their vacations.

The huge Gods War 10th Anniversary game update was officially released. The biggest change in this update was to the starting buffs and minions. Previously, the first set of buffs and the first wave of minions would spawn at the thirty-second mark after the start of a game. Now, after the update, they spawned after ninety seconds.

This only seemed to be a one-minute increase in time, but it meant there was much more that professional players could do now.

For example, five players could group up and gank the enemy hero on the top or bottom lane at the very start of the game. After killing the enemy, they could return to their lanes to deal with the first wave of minions-with 1.5 minutes at the beginning of the game now, they would have plenty of time for that.

Another example would be five players grouping up to invade the enemy jungle... with this change, heroes who tended to be strong in early-game stood at a huge advantage. It would be easy for them to force an opening fight at the very start of the game. Many new tactics and strategies would be developed.

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