Little Rui still ran over to Ye Shaoyang's streamer room to act as a mod whenever he had time. He was extremely clear on everything going on in Ye Shaoyang's career.

Qin Yue felt pretty surprised. “Is that so? I didn't think Shaoyang was that powerful. I used to worry about you finding a job. Looks like I worried too much?”

Ye Shaoyang said, “Don't worry, cousin. Among esports players, my income is considered pretty good right now. I'll play for a few years first, then switch tracks to streaming after I retire. It'll be no problem for me to support myself.”

Qin Yue smiled and patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder. “That's good. Come ring in the new year at my place tomorrow. My dad has been constantly reminding me these days, saying I definitely have to bring Shaoyang home for a New Year's dinner. Bring Xiao Bai with you too.”

“Okay,” Ye Shaoyang said. “Then I'll bring Xiao Bai with me when the time comes.”

After his cousins left, Ye Shaoyang unpacked at home alone. In his previous life, he'd enjoyed big gatherings. Every year, over winter break, he would go home with a ton of gifts for his parents and friends. In this world, his parents were already gone, and it would have been no fun at all to pass the new year by himself. He still cleaned up around his apartment, though, to make sure everything was neat and tidy.

New Year's Day arrived very quickly. Tianhuan's group chat was filled with people sending red envelopes first thing in the morning. Ye Shaoyang used his exceptionally fast hand speed to snatch a bunch of those big envelopes, but in the end… every envelope he grabbed was filled with only ten cents.

Ye Shaoyang complained into the group chat: [Every one I got had the minimum value. My luck is really awful. Sorrow.jpg]

Chi Shuo saw that message and privately sent him a big red envelope, with the message: [Happy New Year.]

Ye Shaoyang froze for a second when he saw that. He quickly answered: [Happy New Year, Captain Chi. I was just complaining for fun, haha, you don't have to send me red envelopes to console me.]

Chi Shuo silently thought that he was the captain, so it was expected of him to send red envelopes to his teammates.

He wrote: [Everyone gets one.]

Ye Shaoyang: [Oh, then I won't be shy. ^_^]

He accepted the red envelope from Chi Shuo, then sent a reaction meme: [ThanksBoss.jpg]

Chi Shuo was in a pretty good mood, so every member of Team Tianhuan received a new year's red envelope from Captain Chi.

Cheng Xing was shocked. He privately messaged Qu Jiang: [Qu-ge! My master suddenly sent me a red envelope! Scared me to death!]

Qu Jiang: [I've known Captain Chi for three years, and it's the first time he ever sent me a red envelope too.]

Qin Yizhu: [What's happening? Captain Chi is such a serious person, and he's actually sending red envelopes and wishing people a happy new year!]

Cheng Xing was a bit dumbfounded. He wrote: [Looks like he sent one to everyone?]

Qu Jiang: [Probably.]

In truth, Chi Shuo had just seen Ye Shaoyang's complaints about his own bad luck in the group chat at first. That was why he'd sent Ye Shaoyang a big red envelope privately. Then he got the feeling that sending only Ye Shaoyang a red envelope wasn't quite right, so he'd sent them to the rest of the team as well.

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