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The Ball Drop (Reprise) || 2/4

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The Ball Drop (Reprise) || 2/4

Eunji anxiously scanned the airport, her fingers fidgeting on the handle of her suitcase. "Hey, let's keep this short in case Belift's location leaks. Anyways, we've already said goodbye five times in the last-"

"You're out of your mind if you think we're keeping this short." Jihun set the locks on his wheelchair before glancing up at Eunji, arms outstretched. "You're moving all the way back to Japan, Hayashi. You better bring it in; you owe us all at least that."

Eunji let go of her suitcase, flustered as she leaned in to awkwardly hug Jihun, taking care not to aggravate his injuries. "It was a pleasure working with you."

"Oh, stop being so formal," Jihun teased as they broke apart. "We're friends."

"Are we?" Eunji joked. "I thought we were just hostage buddies, Lee."

"Oh god," Mei laughed, tossing a lock of hair over her shoulder. She pulled Eunji into a lengthy hug. "My turn. So, how did my dad handle the news of you quitting?"

"The CEO?" Eunji humorously shook her head. "Oh, he was pissed. At first, he wouldn't accept my letter of resignation. Called me a coward for running when the water got too hot."

"Well, I think you're brave," Mei said. "It takes a lot to stand up for yourself against someone like him."

Eunji shyly smiled into the younger woman's shoulder. They stayed in an embrace, Eunji's straight black hair striking against the wavy brown of Mei's. When they finally pulled apart, both women were slightly misty-eyed.

"Is it our turn yet?" Daniel huffed impatiently. "I want to give Eunji noona my card."

The three adults snorted, glancing over at the Belift boys with adoration.

Mei stepped back, raising her hands in mock surrender. "She's all yours."

Eunji grinned, turning to face the thirteen idols. "Hey, kiddos."

The boys broke out into quiet laughter. They each took turns bidding their former manager farewell with goodbyes ranging from Heeseung's ninety-degree bow of respect to Jake's indecisive high-five-turned-fistbump. Ni-ki hung near the back of the group, hesitant to approach their departing friend. Finally, after Eunji had made it through all twelve of his members, he cautiously stepped up.

"Noona," Ni-ki quietly said. "What if you forget about us?"

"Impossible," Eunji smiled, pulling her purse strap up to her shoulder. She hesitated for a moment before hugging Ni-ki, an act of affection she'd only shown to Mei and Jihun, both of whom had left her with little say in the matter. "You boys are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Jihun loudly cleared his throat. "Well, I mean, I did kind of take a bullet for yo-"

Eunji rolled her eyes. "All of you are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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