~ sixty-nine ~

815 44 77

TW: slight violence, kidnapping


The Best of Belift pt. 2 || 2/3

Heeseung grabbed Sunghoon's hand, squeezing his eyes shut as they took their seats.

"Still scared of heights?" Sunghoon smirked.

"No," Heeseung stubbornly insisted. He inched closer to the younger boy. "I just think the concept of box seating is stupid, and I don't support it. We should go down to the first floor and sit with the rest of the crowd."

"If you want to get trampled by a mob of K-pop fans, be my guest," Sunghoon nodded. "I'll be staying up here, though."

Daniel tugged on Heeseung's sleeve. "Hyung. Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah," Heeseung breathed, hesitantly opening his eyes. "Okay. Okay, this is not so bad. It's not that high up."

"Your sweaty palms say otherwise," Sunghoon snorted.

"Hyung!" Ni-ki eagerly pointed at the crowd far below them. "Look! Some of them are waving at us! I think they're our fans! One of them just screamed Belift! They're making our hand sign! They're- Oh. Oh my god."

He leaned over the glass railing, trying to get a better view. "Damn. Security's dragging them away for making noise. I guess they're taking the Covid protocols very seriously."

"Yeah, they are. And don't put your weight on the glass, Ni-ki." Jay pulled the younger boy back by his arm. "It might break."

"Jay ah," Yeonjun called teasingly. "Don't become another worrywart. Our group already has Soobin and Heeseung."

Jungwon quietly giggled, nudging Jay with his elbow. "And what's up with you and glass railings? Even during our two-month anniversary date, you told me to stop leaning against the one on the roof of Jihun hyung's beach house."

Jay shrugged. "My mother always told me not to trust them. I guess it's just a habit that stuck."

"Guys, sit down," Sunoo hissed. "The music's fading; I think the concert's about to start."

A hand grabbed Heeseung's shoulder, and he turned around, startled. "Namjoon hyung! Shouldn't you be on stage?"

"Follow me." Namjoon glanced around anxiously. "Come on, all of you. And hurry."


"Jin is gone," Namjoon announced. "We- We don't know where he is."

"Gone?" Jay whispered. "Like gone to the bathroom gone or kidnapped gone?"

"We think kidnapped." Yoongi crossed his arms, turning to face the boys of Belift. "Just a minute ago, we were taking out places on stage. Jin had his mic, his in-ears, everything. There's no way he'd disappear like this without telling one of us unless-"

He hesitated.

"-unless it wasn't of his own free will," Taehyung finished. "We've already alerted the police and that detective friend of yours. They also think this might be the sasaeng's doing."

Heeseung whipped around in fear, scanning the faces of his members. His heart dropped as the realization slowly dawned that Daniel wasn't with them. Daniel had gone to the bathroom. And like a fool, Heeseung had allowed him to go alone.

He closed his eyes, swallowing painfully. Now wasn't the time to dwell on the matter of who's fault it was. As much as he hated himself for making such a stupid mistake, Daniel was in trouble, and they needed to focus on finding him and getting him back safely, alongside Jin.

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