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TW: mentions eating disorders

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TW: mentions eating disorders


The Best of Belift pt. 2 || 1/3

"Come on, Sunghoon. One more apple slice. Good boy!"

"I'm not a dog," Sunghoon grumbled through a mouthful of apple.

"Good boy, Hoonie," Heeseung cooed. "You're such a good boy. You're the best boy in the whole world."

"Shut up," Sungoon laughed. "And don't practice your aegyo voice on me."

"You can't say that and then get mad at me when I practice aegyo with somebody else."

"I can and I will."

"You're an incredibly frustrating person to date; you know that, right?" Heeseung tilted his head to the side, puffing out his cheeks and poking his dimple with one finger. "Be honest. Is this cute?"

Sunghoon sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I think you're cute in everything you do, but I also think aegyo is stupid."

"But is it worthy of posting a selfie or nah?"

"Worthy. It's always worthy. You overthink your posts too much; be more confident in yourself, Hee. You're cute. And hot."

"Thanks," Heeseung grinned. "But you hate my aegyo, don't you?"

"You're a six-foot-tall man acting like a baby. Of course I... dislike it." Sunghoon leaned in, cupping Heeseung's face. "Your eyes, though... God, fuck, your eyes change everything."

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"I don't know. It's just—they're so—Ugh. Innocent. Helpless. Stupid. Like a deer caught in headlights. I want to punch a wall when I look at them."


"Because they're so incredible-"

"Oh, thank you."

"-ly annoying."

"Oh. Sorry."

"They make my heart melt with admiration," Sunghoon sighed.

"Oh. Thank you?"

"For your mother, who must've been a strong woman to spend years raising you and looking into those eyes."

"Oh." Heeseung frowned. "Sorry?"

"-without absolutely losing her mind over how fucking beautiful they are."

"So you like them or not?" Heeseung giggled, reaching out to touch Sunghoon's knee.

"I hate them." Sunghoon turned away. "Because I love them. The same way I hate your aegyo because I love your aegyo."

Heeseung snorted, raising another apple slice to Sunghoon's mouth. "Sometimes, you're really funny, but I can't always tell if it's on purpose or not."

He watched Sunghoon chew the fruit, pursing his lips when the younger boy's eyes widened with panic.

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