~ seventy ~

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TW: slight violence, kidnapping


The Best of Belift pt. 2 || 3/3

"Beomgyu, you know that saying, 'don't bring a knife to a gunfight?'"


"Who the fuck bring a book to a knife fight?!"

"I do," Beomgyu grinned, pulling Taehyun closer by his waist. "And it worked, did it not?"

"You're so stupid," Taehyun groaned. "And half of those books hit me, you know."

"Life is all about sacrifice and balance," Beomgyu mused. "I did what I had to do. I wasn't about to lose the love of my life to some stupid sasaeng. Or sasaengs. Whatever the fuck is going on right now."

"Well, at least you finally understand how I felt in Busan when you had a gun pointed at your chest," Taehyun lightly laughed.

"Guys," Sunghoon called. "Stop flirting and come over here. We have to make a plan."

Heeseung nodded in agreement, glancing around their dorm building's empty parking lot.

"Wait a second." Mei's mouth fell open. "That bitch ran over my bike!"

She stared at the battered motorcycle laying on the concrete, meters away from where they'd parked. "Oh my god. This is so annoying."

Yeonjun tucked his hands inside his pockets, kicking a pebble. "So now what are we supposed to do? The sasaengs are long gone. Jin and Daniel are probably dead already."

Mei frowned, tilting her head. "Quick question. How often do K-pop idols take their phones on stage with them?"

"Uh..." Heeseung sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Well, we're not supposed to, but let's be honest. It's the twenty-first century; all of us do."

"Alright, perfect." Mei pulled a strange-looking device that resembled a small, fat laptop out of her pocket. "Get in the minivan. And one of you guys has to drive."

"Why can't you?" Soobin asked. "I feel like out of all of us, you're the best equipped for a car chase."

"The software system we use for the trackers we put in Heeseung and Jin's phones is heavily secured, which is usually a good thing, except right now that means I'm the only one that can operate it."

"Wait, you put a tracker in Jin hyung's phone too?" Heeseung gaped.

"Yeah, and thank god he decided to keep it in." Mei peered at her device's tiny screen. "I have a location on them. They're heading west."

She glanced up. "Well? What are you guys standing around here for? Let's move!"

"Oh, uh." Heeseung looked up. "Yeonjun hyung, you drive."

Yeonjun didn't move.

"Hyung," Sunghoon urged. "Come on."

"Beomgyu." Yeonjun turned to face the younger boy. "You do it. You're better at driving fast than me."

"I- I don't even have a license or any-"

"Beomgyu, you can do it. I trust you."

Beomgyu bit his lip. "Okay," he whispered.

"Hey, wait." Yeonjun nudged him with his shoulder. "What are our six golden rules?"

"Don't talk to strangers, don't touch anything that's not yours, don't take anything that's not yours, don't get hit by a car, don't hit anybody with a car, and don't call or text unless someone's dying."

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