~ seventy-five [bonus 11: soobin] ~

800 46 122

TW: kidnapping, weapons, violence, injuries


Bonus 11 [Soobin]: Something Just Like This || 2/3

"Jihun! Soobin!" Eunji raced to their side, her eyes wide with dismay.

"Guys!" Daniel shouted tearfully. "Get up. Please. Get up!"

Jin stared at the younger boy. His face suddenly turned pale, and he glanced around as if looking for somebody that didn't exist.

"Hyung?" Daniel asked.

"Ignore me," Jin whispered. "Just focus on saving Soobin and Jihun."

He cautiously leaned back, tilting his chair just enough to tap the concrete wall behind him.

"Sunbaenim," Soobin weakly called. He grasped Eunji's hands, letting his manager pull him up into a sitting position. "Thanks."

"Soobin hyung!" Daniel cried with relief. "You're okay!"

"Yep, I'm alive," he mumbled, tugging off his jacket. "Mei noona gave me her bulletproof vest."

Eunji nodded thankfully, turning to face Jihun. "Soobin... Is he dead?"

"Not yet." Soobin folded up his jacket, layering it over Jihun's wound. "Hold this here, please."

"Like this?" Eunji asked, pressing her hands to the fabric covering Jihun's wound.

"Yeah, that's-" Soobin gasped as a cold metal cuff clamped around his wrist.

He spun around, but it was too late. The driver had already secured the other end of the handcuffs to the wall-mounted ballet barre.

"Hey!" Soobin shouted, yanking at the chain. "Let us go!"

"Shut up," the driver growled. She stared at Eunji, her eyes cold and desolate. "And you. Do as I say. Don't make me shoot you too."

"Do it." Eunji raised her chin, meeting the driver's gaze. "I have nothing left to lose."

She hung her head. "He never loved me. He likes the other girl. The detective."

The driver lowered her gun, her voice softening. "Oh. My husband left me for another woman last year."

She knelt before Jin, lovingly caressing his cheek. "But then I met my true love. He treats me and my son right."

Jin's face twitched with disgust. He tilted his chair back again, tapping the wall.

The sasaeng frowned for a moment before turning away and proudly patting Daniel's shoulder. "Did you know my son debuted yesterday? I'm so proud of you, Jungmin."

"My name's not Jungmin," Daniel spat. "Stop calling me that."

He flinched as a hand slapped his cheek.

"Your name is Jungmin," the driver gritted. "Say it."


She slapped Daniel again. "Say it!"

"My. Name. Is. Daniel."

"Shut up!" The driver kicked Daniel's chair in a fit of rage, sending the younger boy crashing to the floor.

She leaned down, grabbing the collar of Daniel's shirt. "You'll stay down there until you learn how to behave."

Daniel whimpered, shying away from her touch. Soobin watched the driver tuck Mei's gun into her belt as Jin leaned back for what seemed like the millionth time, tapping his chair against the wall.

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