☆ eighty-nine ☆

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The Ball Drop (Reprise) || 1/4

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The Ball Drop (Reprise) || 1/4

"Jake," Heeseung whispered, eyeing the CEO from across the courtroom.

"What?" The younger boy breathed.

"Tell me that thing you told our lawyer again, what YangYang sunbaenim said about companies protecting sasaengs."

Jake nodded. "Yeah. Apparently, it's a common practice."


Jake absentmindedly twiddled his thumbs. "So, what were you saying earlier about BTS?"

"Just that I'm glad the sasaengs WayV has currently aren't as crazy as theirs." Yangyang shivered. "I don't want to think of what might happen if we had a sasaeng like that. A pyromaniac? Ugh. Our whole dorm would burn down."

"I mean, there's no way your company would ever let a sasaeng get that far."

Yangyang let out a dry laugh. "I don't know about that. It'd make really great press."

Jake frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Ah, nothing." Yangyang glanced around apprehensively. "You know. It's like how the companies do it on purpose."

"Do what?"

"Don't fight the sasaengs. Or, uh, pretend to open investigations and take legal action when they really have no intention of stopping them."

"Why would they do that?" Jake asked, disgusted. "Why would anybody do that?"

"It's a marketing strategy. Sasaengs bring more money and publicity."


"Jake! Heeseung!" Sunghoon hissed. "Are you paying attention?"

Heeseung jolted, his elbow hitting the back of his chair. He rubbed his funny bone, groaning as he glanced to his left. "Thanks a lot, Sunghoon."

"Excuse me?" Sunghoon scowled. "Do you want to sleep in our bed tonight or not?"

Heeseung sheepishly grinned. "I do."

The younger boy stared at him for a moment before huffing in contempt, crossing his legs, and turning away.

Jake silently face-palmed. "Heeseung hyung, have you learned nothing from this past month?"

"Don't worry about it." Heeseung gave a sly smile as he shifted his weight so that Jake could see under the table. "I've got it handled."

On Heeseung's thigh rested two hands, fingers loosely woven together. The paler sat on top, prim and dainty, but no less alert. Nails playfully dug into a pinch of Heeseung's tanned skin, forcing a quiet yelp from the older boy.

"Do you?" Sunghoon hummed amusedly, his eyes never leaving the judge before them.

The look of confusion on Heeseung's face had both Jake and Sunghoon silently laughing.

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