Chapter Fifty-Six:

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I lick up the dripping ice cream from my cone. Wednesday lays across the bench, her sunglasses shading her eyes as her arms fold behind her head. Ender has one hand on my leg as the other holds onto his ice cream. The sun is warm and bright today, cascading down on us outside the ice cream parlor.

"When I die, put me in a boat like the Vikings did and push me off into the sea." Wednesday says. "And I want you to shoot the arrow that lights up the boat." She points at me.

"Me?" I ask. "I'm flattered you think I even have a sense of aim. "By the time I figure out how to hold the bow, you'd be long gone."

"Better start taking lessons then." Wednesday snaps her fingers. "You look like you have a musical side to you, so you can blow the Viking horn." She tells Ender.

"Oh, sure, give him the easy task." I roll my eyes.

Looking over at Ender, he has some ice cream on his nose. I giggle and lean over to lick it off. He pulls me into him, rubbing his nose along my cheek. Squealing, I push him away.

Wednesday sits up on the bench and turns her body towards us. "The fact that you still insist you're just friends is mind-boggling." She huffs.

"We are." I say sternly and look over at Ender, whose jaw tightens. We have yet to discuss the nature of our relationship. Obviously there are feelings involved, but I'm scared to complicate things. I'm scared that I'll say the wrong thing and ruin everything. I already feel awful enough that Ender has been dragged into my pathetic life. And people seem to be watching my every move, waiting for me to slip up again so they can confirm all the rumors are true. I'm a whore who cheated on Hunter Woolf, and that doesn't go unscathed here. They want to excommunicate me for hurting Hunter Woolf, who, in their eyes, can do no wrong.

A public relationship with Ender would only anger people even more and put a larger target on both of our backs. It's better to wait for the dust to settle and for when we're graduated and not forced into close proximity with everyone at school.

"Well, if you start kissing me like that, Auden, I might not respond the same way Ender does." She snorts.

"Aw, really? You're missing out." I wink at her and give Ender's hand a squeeze under the table.

"Get me drunk enough, and I'll think about it."

My head falls back with laughter. "It's kind of crazy how we're all friends now. All the outcasts unite."

Wednesday looks at Ender. "It only took how many years for us to talk? We've gone to school together since preschool."

"You've talked to me before." Ender says dully.

"Okay, when? Besides like first grade birthday parties."

Ender's back straightens as he runs a hand through his hair. "We don't have to get into it." He says with an edge to his voice and he gets up briefly to toss his ice cream before sitting back down with a blank expression.

Wednesday takes off her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head. She leans forward on the table with her elbows, looking desperately at Ender. "What did I say? I was horrible, wasn't I?"

"To put things into context, the first day back at school after..." He inhales sharply and peers down at the table. "I walked past you and your friends, and I heard you say it was my fault what happened to them. That they'd still be here if it weren't for me."

Wednesday claps a hand over her mouth. "I didn't."

"Among other things." Ender grumbles.

My eyes widen. "That's horrible." I place a hand on Ender's arm.

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