Chapter Fourteen:

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Hunter takes hold of my hand as soon as we step through the front door to Jacob's birthday party. My heart is pounding in my chest, I wonder if he can hear it. If he can tell how nervous I am. I wish socializing came as easy to me as it does for him.

Hunter seems to be able to make friends with anyone. It doesn't matter who the person is, he'll be able to strike up conversation. His charismatic manner wins everyone over. So far, it doesn't seem like there isn't a single person in this town who knows of him.

Because of him, I'm quickly learning about this town and the people in it. I've met more people in the few weeks I've been here than I have in my entire life. I've had more social interactions than I ever would have had back home.

But is it good to draw attention to myself? Attention means people looking at me, questioning me, wondering where I came from. Word apparently travels fast here, and is it only a matter of time before everyone begins to notice Katherine? Will the wives in this town hide their husbands from her like they did back home?

I'm lost in thought, feeling overwhelmed with it all, as Hunter greets people and acknowledges all his disciples, his hand still latched onto mine. My subconscious gives the blurry faces that approach weak smiles and slight nods of my head. The conversations are fuzzy, my brain unable to comprehend the words being said. I need to stop being so anxious. I need to allow myself to have fun for the short time that I have here.

Hunter is great and he makes me feel happy, beautiful even. He sees me in a way nobody has ever seen me before. I'm not invisible for once. Someone actually might care about me.

He tugs me towards the kitchen, where Jacob and Dawson begin pouring us all drinks. Hunter turns towards me and cups my face with his hands, pulling me into him as he lowers his face to mine, his eyes on me. I smile up at him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Are you going to drink with me tonight?" He asks and squeezes my cheeks together.

"Just one." I say, my voice muffled with my cheeks squished together.

"Say you're a happy guppy." He grins at me.

I roll my eyes. "I'm a happy guppy."

"Now smile."

I force my lips into a smile, and he releases my cheeks satisfied. "What do you want?" He asks me, just as Jacob sloppily shoves a full shot glass into Hunter's hand.

"Shots for my birthday!" Jacob and Dawson raise their shot glasses in the air, waiting for Hunter to follow their lead. "New girl can wait." Jacob winks at me.

My jaw ticks. "I'll make my own drink." I say flatly as I walk past them and towards the alcohol. I look over the bottles. Pick my poison. Everything reminds me of Katherine. Or her shitty ex-boyfriends.

Finally, I settle on some Fireball and fill a glass with it, then pour some coke in to mix it. Bringing the glass to my lips, I sip it gingerly.

"You're here!" Faran suddenly appears beside me and throws her arms around my shoulders, her breathing strong of alcohol. The liquid sloshes in my drink and I hold it away from me so none of it gets on my shirt. "Let's do a shot together!"

I shake my head. "I'm okay."

"Booo." She gives me a thumbs down just as Wednesday and Raven approach. "You guys will take shots with me." She says to them and begins pouring them each one.

Wednesday has on fierce eyeliner and her long black hair is let down in natural curls. Her eyes fall on me briefly, giving me a stiff smile, before grabbing the shot glass from Faran, who downs the shot before Raven even has hers. Raven's bleached front pieces are in small braids, with red lipstick on her full lips. She reminds me of a Bratz doll.

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