"Aegon, where's Aemond?" Elia asked as she noticed her bothersome uncle was no longer there.

Aegon pointed toward the dance floor. Elia followed his finger until her eyes set upon Aemond, gliding across the dance floor with the same black haired girl from earlier.

"Well well, would you look at Aemond go" Cregan commented with a chuckle.

Elia pulled her eyes away from Aemond and returned them to Aegon, she was desperate on chancing the subject now, "What happened to the ginger girl you were so enthralled with?" She asked with a smirk.

Aegon returned her smirk, "Noticed that did you? Nah, she got boring, gingers were never my taste anyway" he said in a casual tone.

Elia laughed, "You're vile, I hope you know that" she remarked.

Aegon nodded, still holding a proud smirk, "Very much so".

"If you'll excuse me Princess, my Prince, I have other matters to tend to while I'm here" Cregan said politely.

"Of course Ser" Elia granted with a smile.

Cregan gave both the young royals a nod before departing with them, taking off along to the other side of the ballroom.

Elia sighed, relieved to finally have some time to herself to relax, with the exception of Aegon, who wasn't being much of a bother as he simply sipped on his wine while observing the dance.

Elia's peace didn't last very long though as she could see in the corner of her eye someone else approaching her, and she had a pretty good idea of whom it was.

"Princess Elia, we finally reunite after so long" Theodore said rather loudly, a cocky grin on his face.

"Ser Baratheon" Elia said acknowledging the dark haired boy in front of her.

Theodore was the same age as Elia, they met only a year prior when she and her family attended Theodores 17th nameday. Since then, Theodore has taken a liking to Elia and had recently requested on a betrothal between the two, though Elia was quick to refuse, she did not for one moment find an interest in the Baratheon boy.

"You look ravishing this evening if I may say so" Theodore said in his usual confident tone.

"You're much too kind Ser" Elia said, forcing a grateful smile, though in truth she wished he would leave her alone immediately, she couldn't stand his cockiness.

"I'm surprised more men have not attempted to sweep you up for a dance" He frowned, his confident tone remaining.

"I have just finished a dance with Ser Cregan of Winterfell, I fear I've been quite exhausted for the moment" Elia replied, she knew where this conversation was going and she wished it wouldn't further.

"Well I suppose I'll have to keep you company until you have regained enough energy to dance with I" he said with a grin.

Aegon chuckled as he placed his cup on the table, "And who are you?" He questioned.

Theodore frowned in offence that Aegon didn't have the first clue of who he was, "My Prince I'm surprised you don't remember me, Ser Theodore Baratheon of Storms End, we met at my nameday only a year prior" he stated.

"No, your fathers of Storms End, you're merely his kin who doesn't have a chance in his succession with your older brother as his inheritor" Aegon said rather rudely as he refilled his wine cup.

Theodore gaped at Aegon's comment.

Elia on the other hand could only hold one hand over her mouth as she chuckled quietly at Aegon, she knew that Theodore's pride would be deeply wounded by such a comment, especially from a Targaryen Prince.

Ser Theodore fumbled for a moment before he finally managed to find words again, "I fear I've overstayed my welcome, Princess, Prince, I'll see you both later" he said with a nod before speeding off.

Elia pulled her hand away from her mouth and looked at Aegon, "Thank you Uncle, I don't think I would have survived his company" she said gratefully.

Aegon laughed, "I could tell, but I was more doing it for his sake, Aemond probably would have castrated him if he knew what Ser Baratheons intentions were with you and I'd rather not have blood spilt on my wife's nameday" he said.

Elia narrowed her eyes as she frowned, "And what on earth has given both you and Jace the idea that Aemond would do such a thing over me?" She questioned.

Aegon chuckled, "You haven't noticed?" He asked.

Elia held her frown, "Noticed what?" She demanded.

Aegon pouted teasingly, taking a quick sip of his wine before replying, "Well I suppose you'll have to figure it out for yourself" he said with a smirk.

Elia glared at him, "You're a bloody thorn in my ass aren't you?" She scowled, though there was no aggression in her tone.

Aegon shrugged, "Well you wouldn't be the first to say such a thing" he admitted.

𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑵𝑨𝑳 𝑭𝑳𝑨𝑴𝑬 | Elia Velaryon x Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now