Ozpin watched with Nora and Ren.

"Woah! Ruby took out a huntsman! Her uncle! A member of the legendary STRQ! Did you see that Renny?!" Ren turned the page of his book.

"I did, Nora." Ozpin chuckled at the dramatic dynamic of the destined duo. He wondered when they would confess, often he didn't take interest in his students Romance, but considering everyone at beacon knew the two liked each other, it's hard to ignore.

Qrow had passed out from Ruby's hold. In hindsight, she should've let go pretty quickly, but Qrow fights dirty. It wouldn't be unusual for him to keep fighting after losing.

The girl carried her father back inside of her house, a frown adorning her face.

Why was this world so cruel? I guess it's just the reality I ignored.

The more i think, the more questions I'm left with. Like why do grimm exist? How do they exist? What created them?

And... what are the maiden's? Too many questions, not enough answers.

So I'll get them. I approached the former headmaster of Beacon, and said...

"Tell me, everything."


Hans had thrown the many daggers into the air, his body saturated with aura.

Strangely enough, he clenched his hand into a fist. This puzzled not only his opponent, but the onlookers fast enough to see his movements.

Hans reared his fist back, knees bent.

Only Merlin realised what was about to happen. And that was only because of her clairvoyance.

As the daggers fell, Hans punched their handles launching the blades right at Mercury.

Of the six daggers, three hit.

'50%. Good for a first attempt.' One blade was lodged into his left shoulder, one into his right thigh, and one squarely in his stomach.

One thing didn't add up with Merlin. The heroic spirit who she had seen do that, was sigurd. But sigurd used runes to do that. Specifically to correct the blades trajectory and ensure he doesn't punch the blades.

How did Hans do it? Was the question she was pondering.

A simple answer. As Hans has grown his semblance's ability, his control over the ice grew. The captain used this ability to correct the blades direction and ensure they faced his opponent.

'Repeated use would damage my hand, but it's nothing my regeneration can't handle.' Mercury's breath was laboured, having blades launched into him at high speed wasn't very fun.

"This monster... in all my years of assassination... never, never have I encountered such a powerful enemy. Other than the witch. You won't beat her." The boy pulled out each dagger, strangely enough, his wounds healed much faster than normal aura would allow.

'A semblance maybe?' Mercury leapt forth, a high kick aimed at his opponents chin.

'Slow.' Leaning back slightly, the kick swept through the air. Quickly launching another kick to his abs, that one connected. Hans barely felt it.

The bullet however, that was a surprise. It pierced his skin ever so slightly. The young assassin quickly realised his folly, kicking back off him. Sweat dripped down his face, he felt like he was about to die.

'So many questions.' A boy as young as that, had years of combat experience. 5? Maybe even 10? Yet the boy was 16, maybe 17.

"This is too much for me. I know when to quit. I can't kill you. Not without preparation." Cinder's former lackey pulled out several balls.

Mercury tossed them straight onto the floor and clouds of smoke puffed out. Hans sight, smell and feel of the air currents had been obscured.

Smoke specially designed for those with enhanced senses.

When it cleared, Mercury was gone.

"Hmm. He might be trouble. Oh well~!" Roman was puzzled, he didn't remember the boy acting like that. Had something happened?

Neo didn't care, the ice cream woman was just happy that he was back. She wouldn't leave him. And he wouldn't leave her. They would be together. Neo leapt straight onto her man's shoulders.

Hans felt... reminiscent. It's been a while since he did something like this.

"Those two look good together, don't they?" Merlin giggled at the Duo.

"They do. Honestly, I feel a bit jealous that I never had such a relationship." It's not like she could have one. As a half succubus, her emotions only existed because she feasted on the dreams of humans.

Of course, only the bad ones. The nightmares.

Nobody would want a lover who's emotions and love could disappear at the drop of a hat.

Not only that, but copulation with a succubus drains life force, and one as powerful as Merlin would drain absurd amounts of life force.

Though... Hans, he was a strange and traumatised man. But a powerful one nonetheless.

Maybe... just maybe. No... it'll never work.


"Weiss schnee, specialist in training, here to receive my orders." Now, weiss stood with one hand saluting and the other behing her back. A white cap on her head while wearing a long white coat.

"Weiss schnee, you are to search for Ozpin. My info says that he's been spotted at patch. At Ruby Rose's House."

"Yes sir!"


I really want people to join the discord. This may sound lonely, and its because I'm fucking bored.

Come on, join the discord. Chat a bit.

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