The Scuffle Against the Third Goddess: Victory Awaits... Who?

Start from the beginning


"S-Sorry. But don't worry about me... I... I can still... fight."

Quivering in the hug I managed to catch her, Okita pushed down on my shoulders for support and shakily knelt on one leg to stare me in the eye.

"Between Atalanta and Shiki, they created an open for Leonidas to pull back. He's injured on his right side, but he's drawn up a plan. Alongside Tomoe, he should be here soon."

"You didn't need to rush to the other side of the battlefield to tell me that... how reckless can you get. Here, hold still, Okita."

Stumbling forward the rest of the way with a half nod she couldn't finish, Okita slumped against my shoulder, soaking my mystic code with her blood.

"Triple Restoration."

With a combined effort from Mash, we settled Okita into my lap comfortably as my hands filled with the warmth of mana and I used another of the skills built into the mystic code I wore.

Okita's torn haori gave very clear details of the injuries she'd accumulated as I watched bite marks along her arms mend and heal, while a cluster of fist-sized purple bruises and talon-like gashes painted a visceral image of the blood seeping from her wounds; as the latter's devastating marks stretched from her left to her right side, hardly healing at all.

This mystic code's healing process is remarkably slow compared to the first. It can only heal so much in spurts instead of all at once, it's going to take some time, but hang in there and hopefully, you'll start to feel better, Okita.

"Master, are you not going to rest; your side..."

"Is fine."

Escaping Mash's hands with a slight push away from the injury they sought to touch, I gave her the best smile I could force my face to adopt through the growing fatigue being multiplied by the exhausting effect healing had begun to take on me.

"I'm a little tired, however, I can keep going like I am. I think I've gotten a little tougher, the pain isn't registering compared to before. I can wait, Mash."


Shaping her bangs in a pink mess, I playfully rustled my hands through Mash's hair bringing a smile to her features before long that contagiously widened my own. Slightly bending forward Mash bowed while keeping sat, a new strengthed resolve radiated in her eyes as she straightened her posture to meet my gaze again.

Together we inclined our heads toward the incoming sounds of rushing footsteps; briefly locking gazes one final time with a nod as we rid our minds of the earlier trouble that nearly led us to be flattened under Mash's shield.


"Master Fujimaru."

Unveiling from the shadows with their voices now in earshot, Leonidas followed by Tomoe became visible as they forced themselves through the cluster of low-hanging vines dangling from the surrounding trees that kept us hidden.

Their injuries were light in nature as opposed to Okita's whose gashes on her sides were still in the early stages of closing.

Drilling into the soil, Leonidas's shield and spear stayed split between the dirt beneath him as he lowered to one knee, promptly removing his helmet with a displeased sigh.

With Tomoe taking up a post near the cliff's edge, she leaned against a sturdy trunk as her hands parted the vines to observe the state of the battle. Ishtar's feet came to drop in beside my head as Manna floated above where I sat in my peripheral vision. From the two archers, a lancer, shielder, and saber; our hopes of ending the pope skirmish teetered on the combined strength of Mash's extra class and the three knight classes.

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