"Thanks," He says. I smile at him as he continues his way. I sit for a while Lloyd wanders in.

"Hey, Sensei. Have you seen Jay?" He asks.

"Yes. He said he was also heading to bed. He also said to tell you he loves you." I say, shrugging

"Okay, thanks," He said, heading to their shared room. I sit for a bit before I hear the worst scream I've ever heard. I rush upstairs to find the others gathered around Lloyd.

"What's going on?" I ask, making my way to Lloyd. I see he's thrown himself over Jay. He's sobbing on Jay's chest. Which, I realize with a jolt, isn't moving. An empty prescription bottle is in Jay's hand. I kneel next to Lloyd.

"Lloyd..." I start.

"Go away," He sobs. I motion for the others to leave. They silently disappear. 

"Lloyd, it will be okay-"

"No, it won't! He's gone! He's gone! And I couldn't help him." Lloyd sobs. I gently take him into my arms. He sobs onto my shoulder, hiccupping a bit. I rub his back. I watch him cry, holding back my own tears. I hold him until he calms down enough to make coherent sentences. Someone appears behind me.

"Excuse me, sir, we need you to move." I turn around. A paramedic is standing there. I hold Lloyd against me and move out of the way. One of the ninjas must have called. I bring him downstairs, away from Jay. The others watch. I can tell they've been crying. We sit in silence, hugging each other. The paramedics talk with us.

"We were able to get a heartbeat back. He's in critical, but stable condition. We will reach out with where you can find him." The paramedic says. "Do try and get some sleep, and don't worry, he'll be okay."

"How did this happen?" I ask.

"It seems that the young man overdosed. You called just in time. Another minute or two and he would be gone." They say. 

Lloyd whimpers, grabbing my arm and squeezing tightly. I pull him closer. They leave, leaving us to comfort Lloyd. He leans his head against me, tears flowing freely. I rub his back, trying desperately to calm him down. He hugs me. I wait until he falls asleep, exhausted from the day's events. The others silently go to bed, still crying. I lay Lloyd down on the couch, sitting myself in a chair. I watch his restless face, hoping we can see Jay in the morning.

End of Memory

Lloyd's clinging to me. I hug him, wishing I could shield him from the world. His tears stain my shirt. I hold him as close to me as I think he'd find comfortable. I hide my shock when he sits on my lap. I know he's struggling, so some childish behavior is expected. I move Lloyd's head so it's resting on my shoulder. I do my best to calm him down again. It's times like these I wish I could turn to his parents. But of course, they were out of range. Where exactly they are, I don't know. While he calms down, I stroke his hair.

"Lloyd, let's go home, okay? It's not healthy to sit here all day." I say quietly. He nods against me. 

I help him up, He leans heavily against me while I bring him outside. I bring him home and sit him down at the kitchen table. I try to call his parents again, but there was no response. I leave a message. I turn back to Lloyd and hand him a cup of tea. He sips at the tea, his face still red. I sit next to him. He hides his face in his hands. The door bangs open.

"Lloyd?!" I hear Misako call. Lloyd doesn't respond.

"We're in here!" I call. Misako and Garmadon rush into the room. Misako wraps Lloyd in a hug and Garmadon takes me aside.

"We came as soon as we could. What happened?" I explain it to him. He frowns. I watch Misako whisper in Lloyd's ear. Garmadon joins Misako's side. Lloyd twists around and hugs them tightly. I go find the others to comfort them. I know they took it hard too.


Lloyd's P.o.v.

Jay's finally back home. I ran over to him as soon as he was back and hugged him as tightly as I could. He gave me a weak hug.

"I missed you," I cry onto his shoulder.

"I know, Lloyd. I'm sorry," He whispers. He leads me to the couch and cuddles me. I know that we have a long hard road ahead of us, but we still have each other, and that won't change for a long time.

Okay, so Jay was supposed to die but I made him live. I just couldn't hurt Green Bean like that. See you later! Bye Bye!

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