Qin Rui's eyes widened slightly. "Ge, did you not take a physiology class in middle school?"

Ye Shaoyang self-righteously explained, "I returned everything I learned in middle school to my teachers a long time ago." He pointed at his own head and laughed. "My brain hasn't felt too bright lately. There are lots of things that I can't seem to remember very clearly."

Qin Rui was silent for a moment. He scratched his head in confusion as he took in Ye Shaoyang's innocent expression. If Ye Shaoyang had forgotten such important information, then Qin Rui figured his older brother must have been right. There was probably something going on with Shaoyang's psychological state.

"There are two types of marks, temporary marks and complete marks," Qin Rui explained earnestly. "A temporary mark is formed when an alpha pierces the nape of an omega's neck with their teeth. They inject their pheromones into the omega's glands with their saliva, which suppresses the omega's pheromones and calms them down."

Ye Shaoyang nodded to show his understanding. "Oh, so it's just letting an alpha bite the back of your neck?"

He touched the back of his own neck and felt around, but he only found… some hard cervical vertebrae? If he were an omega, he would probably be able to feel the glands already, right?

Ye Shaoyang dropped his hand and asked, "What about ‘complete' marking?"

Qin Rui's ears went slightly red. In a quieter voice, he answered, "For a complete mark, an alpha needs to enter an omega's body and form a knot inside. They need to leave their… you know, in the omega's womb, to completely possess the omega."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it for a moment before realization struck. "So you mean having sex! Is that right?"

Qin Rui's blush deepened. "…right."

Ye Shaoyang finally understood.

Omegas had something called a ‘gland' on their napes, and they had a ‘womb' inside their bodies. A temporary mark was formed by letting an alpha bite their nape, while a complete mark was a thorough union of the flesh.

He took out his cell phone and rapidly typed in this new information.

Qin Rui saw him taking notes on these mark-related subjects. He couldn't help but ask, "These things are all common knowledge. You still need to write them down in your phone?"

"Important information should naturally be written down," Ye Shaoyang said. "Otherwise, what do you do if you forget?"

Could this sort of thing be forgotten? Qin Rui stared at him, speechless.

Ye Shaoyang finished taking his notes, then asked, "What exactly are suppressants?"

"Suppressants are a type of medicine that can inhibit the production of pheromones. Some can be taken orally, and some are injected. You can buy them at any drug store." Qin Rui saw Ye Shaoyang taking notes again. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to laugh or cry. "Ge, how come you didn't even pay attention in physiology class?"

Ye Shaoyang said, "If I didn't pay attention in any class, it just means I'm unbiased."

Qin Rui was rendered speechless once more.

After taking down those notes, Ye Shaoyang felt he had taken one more step towards fully understanding the rules of this world.

At first, he'd thought male omegas who could bear children would be bizarre creatures. But after meeting the Qin brothers today, he realized that omegas weren't strange at all. Based on their outer appearances, they were just like ordinary men.

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