Chapter 22

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"Oh." Jessie said softly. Then : "Cool!" Sam and Dean laughed as she grinned up at them.

"Yeah, its cool alright." Sam said smiling but he frowned as a thought crossed his mind. "Wait, if she remembers every song she's every heard, then does that mean she learner all of your cassette tapes of the greatest  hits of mullett rock?" Dean grinned. He hadn't thought about that.

"Hey, Jessie, do you know all of Daddy's songs?" She nodded happily as Dean pumped his fist in the air and Sam groaned.

"Do you want me to sing that too?" She asked.

"Sure. If you want to." Dean said and Sam groaned internally. Jessie thought for a moment, but shook her head.

"No thanks. Not right now." She said thoughtfully. After a few minutes she spoke up again. "Daddy, did Mommy like to sing? When she was alive?" Dean paused not sure how to handle something like this. Finally he nodded.

"Yeah, she did. Why?"

"I was just wondering. Do you think that she gets to sing, and is happy up in Heaven?"

"I don't know. I like to think that she is and does, but I don't know for sure Pie Thief." Dean said softly and Sam recognized that this was a tough subject for his brother to talk about.

"Hey, Jessie why don't you go play in your room for a while? Go on." He said and Jessie shrugged.

"Okay Uncle Sam." She said as she jumped off of Dean's lap. She went running off to her room and Dean gave Sam a grateful look.

I walked into my room, now thinking about my mom, wondering if she was happy in Heaven. Did she miss me as much as I missed her? I didn't know and Daddy said that he didn't know either. But now I really wanted to know. I sat on my bed and thought for a minute. Daddy and Uncle Sam had talked about a friend of theirs who is an angel. Angels would know about Heaven and the people in Heaven, right? Right, I told myself. It was at least worth a shot. I jumped off of my bed and thought about it. How did you call an angel? I thought about it and decided that the best way was to probably pray for the angel to come. Why not? (A/n Castiel got his grace back and became a real angel again in my world.)  I clasped my hands in front of me.

"Um, so I don't really know how to do this, but I have a question for my Daddy's angel friend. The one who brought him back to life and has saved him a bunch of times. I have a question that I need help answering so-" I stopped when I heard the flapping of wings and I turned around to see a man standing behind me wearing a trench coat.

"Hello Jessica." He said in a deep voice.

(A/n Hey, so I figured it was time for her to meet Cas so yeah. Here you guys go.

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