Chapter 11

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"Leave" She said in my ear while we stood outside just outside the hotel. We could are Anish walking towards us . Glancing at our joined hands I didn't budge. She tried to wringle her hand out of my hold but I did not give her chance to do it. As Anish approached us, he came running to hug me. I hugged him back still holding Naina's hand. When he turned towards her that's when I left . Since I knew Anish is not harmful I let him spin her with joy.

Let him?

You don't own her ! Male chauvinistic person!

My mind shouted at me for being a fool. As soon as his girlfriend joined us we walked towards our room. It is connected with no fan or ac as the climate is always cold here. Situated on first floor, I helped Naina with her luggage . Only word she spoke is leave . Why can't Naina just laugh with me? Talk freely? Make fun of me like she made fun of Anish five minutes ago ? Not thinking much, I placed both our bags in my room. My friend us in few moments and requested to change to another room as his girlfriend cousin decided to come with family and they will be needing this room.

When I entered our new room, I was disappointed.

"I have arranged for Two separate beds. Rishabh you get ready and come fast let the lady dress herself leisurely. Ok?." Anish spoke closing our door. Naina moved a bit away from me taking two long strides I walked towards her and held her hands. She whirled around with angry eyes. Pushing me away from her . She held her angry eyes with me.

"Don't touch me!." She shouted.

"Why?." I asked her calmly.

"You don't know why?." She questioned me angrily. My distance from her made her angry but the moment I realized she's all I want the least I could get satisfied with is holding her hands in mine.

"I am Vermas partner during this engagement! Stay away from me!." She shouted.

"Nonsense!." I shouted back angrily.

"Oh yeah? That's your specialty. " She fired back.

"You are my partner! I dare you be with someone. You don't know what I will do if I see you with any other man!." I said gritting my teeth.

"Try me!." She spoke folding her hands which enchanced the shape of her bosom

"I certainly love to. " I replied.

"You suddenly find me interesting? Where were you for past 1 month? Where were you when I needed you huh?." She shouted. I stood silently knowing it's my caveman behaviour made her angry.

" Where were you when I was accused to sleeping around men by my so called husband?!!!." She shouted. My head sprang up at her words. She closely walked towards me with tears in her eyes .

" Where were you when he hit me in the court for filing for divorce and sleeping with you!." She finished looking into my eyes. I now realise what I have become, all these days my love for her was one sided with no expectations or demands now that I got a taste of her interest in me , I let loose my intentions, boundaries and harbored animalistic character where I wanted to have my aim and not care about my behavour towards it.

" Why are you silent ? You said you will be with me right? Or maybe I read the room wrong. Kainat told me you are not like everyone else. You are not expecting anything from me , with you it will never be give and take relation. But you proved me wrong . He hit me, accused me many things I will not say a word against it coz that's his nature. What about you Rishabh? You are silent since the day I returned back. You only react if you think its necessary for your own good. Tell me did you help me because kainat asked you to or you just had some motive behind all this?". She questioned me holding my shirt.

" I am sorry. I am just dealing with rush of feelings. Did not mean to harm, hurt or take advantage of you . My help was out of-." I heard myself saying those words in my head.

She looked at me still with tears flowing through her eyes. I did not want her to be this vulnerable infront of me.

"Out of years of friendship I had with kainat and you. I have seen you growing infront of me. I am sorry for not attending even one court hearing with you . From on , you will have me there but promise me next time he hits you or even abuses you in anyway , you Naina will stand for yourself. You don't need me or anyone there Naina, for the enemy to fall at your feet you need to show how strong you can be with or without someone's support. " I said removing her hands from my collar.

" I am sorry for ghosting you. I didn't know what you wanted. We never had proper conversation or communication between us. I thought you dont like me to interfere in your life. I had no motive behind helping you. I am sorry for disappointing you , I should have approached you myself . I am.. actually not good at initiating conversations ." I apologized again. She huffed and moved back looking away from me.

" You were pretty close with Shweta though. This is all acting. " She stated pulling her clothes from her bag .

" I had anxiety attack that day when you came to give us refreshments. She was just trying to handle me." I said still looking at her with hope. Her hands stopped midway holding some kurti , she looked at me with narrow eyes but did not say anything.

" Eveyone has some haunting past which makes us weaken our stance towards people who mean good to you in present. I have mine. Trying to deal with it , I hope you recover soon and try to read things with your heart not mind Naina. I am sorry for the behaviour today. I will leave you alone. Call me when you are done." I said walking out of our room. She was still holding her clothes listening to me keenly.

Anish became good at distracting me from the ongoing chaos in my mind. His girlfriend's parents are very welcoming, we danced a bit before retiring ourselves for lunch. Since their engagement got over in small intimate one hour ceremony we had time to talk wit other friends including Verma who couldn't stop himself from touching naina in one way or the other. She was normal throughout the function without paying attention to me. Minding my own bussiness even after seeing that leech land his hands on her I kept myself busy .

" Hey man ! Are you staying for the trip?." Verma approached me hitting my back. For a moment I wanted to take revenge for the way he's getting close to Naina .

" What trip?." I asked. Anish joined me and explained they planned a trip to some bridge with roots , waterfalls . I nodded my head after hearing Naina is also going to accompany me.

" Verma seems to like Naina . What do you think? Shall we play cupid?." Anish asked winking at me.

" No." I replied drinking my beer. He looked at wide eyed realizing something .

" Whoa! Why didn't I figure this out? You like her!." He exclaimed smiling.

" Shut up ." I added.

" You love her!." He shouted earning few glances at us.

" Can you keep your tone down? She is still going through lots of trauma. Let us not force her into anything. Let there is peace in her life. " I said trying to convince myself.

He whistled, winked at me then left me alone. I had no choice but to roll my eyes before moving them back on to Naina. She told me to fuck off but I'll when my heart tells me to do it. My psychotic behaviors is surprising me but when I think of it , I always had her back. Maybe I am meant to love from a distance.

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