Some hatches began to open, the ones who sell emotions, "Oh! You should have said. How long you been there? Happy. You want Happy."

"Customers. Customers! We've got customers!" another one calls out, sounding like he sold anger.

"We're in business. Mother, open up the Mellow, and the Read," the Mellow seller spoke up.

"Happy, Happy, lovely happy, Happy!" the Happy seller cheers.

"Anger. Buy some Anger!" the anger seller yells.

"Get some Mellow. Makes you feel all bendy and soft all day long."

"Don't go to them. They'll rip you off. Do you want some happy?"

"No, thanks," the Doctor said.

"Are they selling drugs?" Martha asked.

"No, they sell moods. Guess it's like drugs, but you never know what happens with drugs," Ivy told her. Some people came into the area, "Over here, sweetheart! That's it, come on, I'll get you first!" the Mellow seller yelled.

"Oi! Oi, you! Over here! Over here! Buy some Happy!"

"Come over here, yeah," somebody came up, "And what can I get you, my love?" the Mellow seller asked.

"I want to buy Forget," she asked.

"I've got Forget, my darling. What strength? How much do you want forgetting?"

"It's my mother and father. They went on the motorway," she said. Oh no, that stupid motorway.

"Oh that's a swine. Try this. Forget Three. That's two credits," the Mellow seller said. "Sorry, but hold on a minute. What happened to your parents?" the Doctor asked.

"They drove off," she said.

"Yeah, but they might drive back," the Doctor argued.

"Yeah, unless they abandoned her," Natasha said.

"Yes and no," Ivy answered.

"Everyone goes to the motorway in the end. I've lost them," she said.

"But they can't have gone far. You could find them. No, no, no, don't," the woman had grabbed the Forget tab and puts it on her neck.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" the woman asked.

"You're parents. Your mother and father. They're on the motorway," the Doctor told her. The woman looked a bit surprised, "Are they? That's nice. I'm sorry, I won't keep you," she said and leaves.

"So that's the human race five billion years in the future. Off their heads on chemicals," Martha commented, only for a man to grab her from behind and a woman came and pointed the gun at them, a birthdate appeared on the woman's stomach as the Doctor pulled Ivy behind him.

"Okay, they weren't lying. I'm not as angry," Martha said.

"I'm glad I pulled you two back in," Teddy told his twin siblings who gave a nod in agreement.

"I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry. We just need three, that's all," the man said.

"No, let her go! I'm warning you, let her go! Whatever you want, I can help. Both of us, we can help. But first you've got to let her go," the Doctor pleaded.

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