"Cole, we need to talk," Zane says. I instinctively wrap my arms around my middle. Lloyd watches my every move. Shit. Do they know?

"About what?" I ask, faking innocents. 

"About your..." Zane trails off, looking for the right words.

"About your problem." Lloyd finishes for him. Well, fuck. They do know. Zane gently squeezes my shoulder. Lloyd has an odd look on his face. I can't quite place it.

"H-How do you know?" I stutter.

"I've had a sneaking suspicion for a bit. Today just confirmed it." Zane says, Lloyd nods.

"Oh," I whisper, my voice giving out. Lloyd moves closer.

"Hey, it's okay, don't cry." He says, brushing away tears that I didn't know were falling. 

"We just want to help," Zane tells me quietly while Lloyd moves to sit next to me.

"You can't help me. No one can!" I say, moving away from them. Zane watches me quietly.

"That's not true," Lloyd shoots back. "Zane helped me when I felt the same way. He didn't give up on me, even when I gave up on myself." I look up at him.

"What?" Lloyd opens his arms for a hug. I lean into it. 

"A while ago, I messed up on a mission. I told myself that I needed to be punished. I don't know why. For some reason, my mind settled on no food. So I skipped supper. Without even trying, I created a habit. Whenever I messed up, I wouldn't eat. Zane found out, eventually, and helped me. Sometimes, I don't eat after I mess up, but since Zane started helping me, I've gotten much better. A couple of times, Zane's woken me up in the middle of the night with some food because I skipped supper." He says, gently rubbing my back. I bury my face in his shirt.

"Why did you start?" Zane asks. My tears spill faster.

"I-I don't know. I-It just k-kinda happened." I sob. Lloyd hums a quiet song.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I hate seeing him like this. He seems so broken and hurt, I want to scream. I rub his back and hum a song. Zane moves closer. I take my other hand and play with his hair. He seems to calm down a bit.

"Cole, tonight, I want you to eat. It doesn't have to be much, but something. You can't carry on like this." Zane says. 

"I know, but it's so hard to stop." He chokes out.

"I know," I tell him. He slowly stops crying. He looks so tired and defeated.

"Are you tired?" I ask. He nods.

"Okay. We'll leave for you." Zane stands and leaves. I go to stand but he grabs my arm.

"Stay." He whimpers. "Please?" I nod.


 I lay down and he puts his head on my chest. I tuck him up and relax. He moves as close to me as he can get. I gently play with his hair. Right before he falls asleep, he mutters "Thank you."

Zane's P.o.v.

On to my next mission. Find a meal that Cole will eat that will fill him up even if he doesn't eat much. I head to the living room. Nya invites me to a game of chess. I sit down. Even as I play, my mind is elsewhere.


Cole's P.o.v.

I wake up to Lloyd gently shaking me. I groan.

"I know, Cole, but It's time to eat." He says. I don't move. "Come on," He tries again. I still don't budge.

"I'm tired. And comfortable." I complain. He sighs.

"Fine. I'll ask Zane to bring our food here." He sounds defeated. I snuggle up closer.

"Don't take it personally." He sighs and grabs his phone. I'm almost asleep when Zane comes in with our food. Zane leaves as quietly and as quickly as he came. Lloyd sits up, forcing me to do the same. He eats quietly. I stare at my food. Lloyd nudges my arm.

"Come on, you can eat." He tells me. I take small bites. Lloyd finishes before me, but he still has some food on his plate. I've never noticed that before. He sets his plate off to the side and wraps an arm around me. I finish as much as I can. Which isn't much, but I'm full. Lloyd takes my plate and stacks it on his.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I ask him. He nods.

"Besides," He says, wrapping his other arm around me to. "You're warm." I lean my head against his. He gently lays us back down. I get comfy and he strokes my hair again.

"Lloyd?" I ask.


"Can you hum a song for me?" I blush a bit. He laughs.

"Sure." He starts humming a song. I feel myself slowly relax. HIs voice is enchanting. I soon fall asleep.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

Cole falls asleep. I don't stop stroking his hair, or stop humming. I want to make sure he's asleep. Zane comes in and takes the plates, promising to bring in a glass of water. When he leaves, I start to slowly stop humming. He still has a smile. Good. I stop stroking his hair. Nothing. I lean my head against his. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Zane's P.o.v.

I walk into Cole's room with a glass of water. They're both asleep. I smile to myself, putting the glass down. I make sure the blanket is covering them, before turning off the light and shuting the door. Nya had been watching and waiting for me.

"Told you so." I whisper.  She sticks her tongue out at me.

"No one could see it coming, though!" She argues in a whisper. I smile.

"True, I'll give you that." I concede.

"Good!" She huffs before stalking down the hall. I laugh quietly and follow.

Well, do you like it? Is it just me, or do I tend to end with Zane and Nya? Oh well. Any request, anyone? Or ships they would like to see more of? Please? I like the challenge. Welp, have a nice 24 hour span of time! Bye Bye!

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