43 - Aftermath

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May 2021

My blurry eyesight slowly became clear as I try to find something familiar in the room I am staying in. I looked around and found nothing except for the frame on the side table.

I slowly took it while in bed and the moment I saw its content, I recognized the owner of the room. This is Luke's — from Elite club. I didn't know he has his own room. He never mentioned it as we hardly talked about his club.

Then I remembered Aris. And the ugly truth. It was the exact reason I couldn't even touch the story of this club. I couldn't make myself open our history. It was like an unspoken understanding between us — to never talk about what happened years ago.

I sat on the bed and stared at the woman on the frame. Obviously, it was me. I was holding a baby in the picture. I was holding Lucian in my arms. I smiled and gently caressed the glass.

It's been so long that I could only remember pieces of memory. I didn't even know I was being captured and how this became Luke's possession.

"My baby..." I whispered.

Then I heard the turning of the knob which alerted me. I quickly wiped away the trails of my tears and waited for the person to enter the room.


She smiled and slowly entered. "Hi, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

Simoune averted her gaze from me. Then she pulled a chair and placed it beside the bed before sitting on it. I was just watching her until her eyes fell on the frame I was holding.

"He's cute," she said.

"I know," I unconsciously said, looking at the picture. I smiled at my boy. Then stopped when I realized something. I looked at Simoune. "You don't look... surprised or even confused."

"Because I know, Cian. About Lucian." My eyes widened. "I heard about his... passing," she paused. "I waited, you know? To tell me about him. I mean, we are friends. And maybe, I hoped too much because, in the end, you didn't say anything."

"Sim... it wasn't easy for me."

"I know," she nodded. "That's why I couldn't blame you for not telling me anything. Because I understand you."

"It is I, who don't understand why you are being nice to me, Simoune," I said after she took the frame from my hold. She stopped moving and slowly looked at me. "I bet you know what we did behind your back."

Simoune nodded. "That's why I avoided you for quite some time," she sighed. "I liked Luke. Even when it is only a bit, I'm still a woman with pride, Cian."

"And that pride told me I shouldn't settle for anything less of my worth," she pursed her lips and looked at the frame. "That guy loves you more than his life. How could I compete with that?"

"I'm sorry for stabbing you in the back. I don't know what could I do to make up for it, Simoune."

She looked at me and smiled. "Let me in again in your life, perhaps? I wanted us to be friends again, Cian — even when we are incomplete."


"I'm just a simple person, Cian. I don't want to hold grudges or hatred for anyone. I want to live happily. Life is... too short to live in darkness."

I nodded at her before she pulled me for a hug. "I missed you," she whispered and I tightened my embrace on her.

Then she suddenly broke the hug when her phone rang. "Oh shit, I almost forgot! Luke has been calling you for hours now and you weren't answering. So he is now bombarding my phone with calls."

"Is that why you are here?"

"No," she said and stared at me. "Aris called me here and asked me to bring Levi with him to check on you because you were... unconscious for a day."

And now it makes sense how she got here. But I was sleeping for a day? Just how tired I was to sleep that long?

"And here's your phone, Luke's on the line. I'll go outside to tell Levi you are now up," she said and left the room.

I stared at the phone before placing it on my ear. "Celestine. Are you there?" I bit my lip and didn't answer. "I know you are there, I could hear your breathing."

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked and my tears just fell after hearing the worry in his voice.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

I heard him sighing. "Is this about Aristotle?" He asked. "This is the exact reason why I couldn't tell you because I know you'll drift away again. But, Celestine, listen to me, okay?"

"It is my decision — my own choice to step up on that day. I could leave the meeting place as I wish but I didn't. You are not to be blamed. You don't have to apologize, Celestine."

"But your life —"

"Got so much better because you became part of it," he finished my sentence. "Why can't you see how happy I am when I'm with you?"

He chuckled. "Don't tell me you didn't know?" He asked. "Damn, Celestine. You literally turned my life upside down, let me experience a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and inspired me to become a better person."


"Yes, Celestine. You probably should try to credit yourself for that," he said. "But on a serious note, if I were asked if I want to walk on the same path again, I would gladly do it."

"Me too," I answered.

"I miss you," Luke said. "How are you, by the way? Aris said you are in my room in Elite after you fainted. Are you okay?"

"I feel better — physically and emotionally."

"Did you punch Aris?"

"I think? But most of my hit was directed at his chest. I got... mad at him for doing that to you."

Luke sighed. "It was expected. Even I, when I discovered the truth. But I'm glad I was the one who married you, Celestine."

"We aren't, remember?"

"Oh baby, you will be my Guevarra again — just wait."

The Intertwined Fate (Serendipity Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now