40 - Stay

15 0 0

May 2021

Amidst the rushing of the people around me, the constant calling of flights, and the rolling of the wheels of their luggage, I still saw him. It was like my eyes know where to find him. I could see Luke from where I was standing.

He was holding his luggage and looking at the screen where flights are being displayed. He got his back on me but I memorized him well. I just knew that it is him - my heart knows it is him.

I didn't think and just made my way to him, hoping that he won't move from where he was standing. My eyes were focused on him that even though I was bumped several times, I didn't bother to pause.

I continued to reach him until his back is in front of me. He was so reachable now and I could smell his manly scent from where I was standing. I was about to tap his back when he decided to move.

"Luke," I nervously called. If he won't stop to look, I would chase him to wherever he is boarding.

But his movements stopped and he slowly turned to me which made me release a breath. I saw how his eyes widened at the sight of me. His jaw clenched but his hardened eyes remained on me.


And I am at a loss for words. On my way here, I have a lot of things to say to him. But just one word from him and I completely shut down. Come on, Celestine!

"I - uhhh - am," I shut my eyes for a second and sighed. "This wasn't how I planned to show up but I had to see you. No — I need to see you."

His expression turned into confusion but before he could say something I raised a finger and continued. "No, listen to me, Luke Augustus. I was planning to come for you as I said before -- about saving and loving you. But I came to the conclusion that I should not be saving you because it is not what you need."

"You said you don't to be dropped that's why you pushed yourself to Simoune because she won't drop you like what I always do to you. Then if I won't be dropping you, saving isn't an option anymore, right?"

"That's why I'm here," I claimed. "To actually beg you not to leave. To ask you to stay. And to tell you that... I will be holding your hand now and I won't be letting it go. I know it sounds crazy and hypocritical because I lost count of the times I let you go."

When he didn't say anything, I continued despite the crawling of fear in my nerves. "You know, there are still a lot of things I wanted to tell you. Things that I wanted to share with you. And it cannot be done in one sitting," I chuckled dryly. "I need time — your time. I might be a little late because of my fiasco but I don't want to let you leave without even trying to make you stay. I mean, of course, I would still try my second chance but -"

"But... I am not leaving," he finally talked.

"Oh. Okay," I answered without thinking. "I beg your pardon?"

What? What... did... he... just... say? Am I hallucinating with what I've just heard? Is my mind making it up? Or he really said that he won't be leaving? He must have seen the confusion on my face.

I scratched the back of his head. "I... am not leaving -- at least not in the way you were thinking."

"You... won't leave?" I asked before my knees gave up on me and he salvaged me by holding my arms to support me. I don't where it came from but tears started to fall and my knuckles have their own mind that they started hitting Luke in his chest.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed and gasped when I remembered everything I'd said seconds ago. "Then why... didn't you stop me from talking?"

Luke chuckled. His eyes glow with delight. "It was a privilege for me, Celestine. You have been closed off and hearing you talk about those," he shrugged. "And it was meant for me anyway. If I stopped you earlier when would get the chance to hear the rest of it? Probably never."

"I hate you."

"Yeah, heard that couple of times already," he said before helping me stand on my own again. Then he sighed. "But I still need to leave. It's my parent's anniversary and someone has to be there to arrange their celebration. Lucas and his family will follow."

And he placed a few strands of my hair on the back of my ear. "I would have also taken you with me but things were a bit crazy between us seconds ago. I'm sorry."

I nodded. "I know. And I don't think it's also right to be there. I mean, celebrating their anniversary with family is one and meeting me is another. Let's not mix occasions together."

Luke sighed and nodded. "But I can tell them, right? About us."

I smiled and reached for his hand. "I'm sorry if I made you think that you are unworthy to be shown to people. But it's different now. When I rushed here, Bea told me that it would rise speculation from the people. But I didn't care -- maybe right now, I am still in our little bubble, and that's why I didn't care. But I am aware of the consequences of my decision to come to you, Luke."

Then I chuckled. "Though it might be a little scary once you leave because I will probably be bombarded by questions but I'll be fine. This is nothing compared to what we experienced in the past."

Luke grinned and shook his head. "I can't believe I am hearing you say these. My Celestine really changed and I'm proud of what you've become." Then he sighed. "I need to go now. But I couldn't seem to go."

"I'll be fine. I'm okay."

He grunted before making a step towards me to hold my jaw and kiss me. His sudden move made my eyes close. The way his lips moved was like it was on a mission that I shouldn't forget his kiss. And I know I won't. I will probably even dream about this moment. I could feel his ragged breathing the moment he pulled away.

"Go. I won't be able to move if I see you watching me leave again," he whispered and I nodded before reaching for his cheeks. I turned my back and went on my way.

There were some who noticed our presence but some hardly cared about the stunt we pulled. And as I was assessing my surrounding, I noticed a familiar face from a distance. It seems like she was actually waiting for me. I didn't change my direction and went to her.


The Intertwined Fate (Serendipity Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now