41 - Chain

13 0 0

May 2021

"Samantha!" I exclaimed when I finally reached her. But she didn't smile at me which made me look at her.

Unlike Luke who only has one luggage, she got two luggages and a hand carry bag on top of the cart she was holding.

"Are you... taking a vacation as well? Or..." I couldn't finish my sentence because she nodded at me.

"I'm leaving — for good," she declared before checking wrist watch. "I thought I would be able to deposit my bags first before talking to you. So... can we..."

I nodded. "I'll wait for you here."

"Thanks," she said and left. I looked at her from the back. She's different. I mean, from the last time I talked to her, she sounded confident. And right now, it seems like life has been hard to her.

I waited on the exact place where she left me. I thought of sitting on one of the steel bench near me but I was afraid we'll miss each other. Besides, depositing luggage won't take long. And I was right.

Few moments later, I saw her half-running to where I am. I smiled when she reached me. But like earlier, she looks weary and uneasy.

"Sorry, did you wait long?"

I shook my head. "No, I wasn't even bored," I answered. I wanted to ask her what was going on. It was at the tip of my tongue but she detoured.

"I saw an open area while I was depositing my luggage. Can we talk there?" She asked and I nodded.

While we were walking, I tried to have small talks with her to avoid awkwardness. "Where are you headed to?"

"Home," she simply answered without looking at me because she busy looking around or busy distancing herself from me.

When we reached the place she was talking about, I can't help but smile while staring at the surrounding. I think this place is meant for families waiting for the arrival of their loved ones.

There were trees and benches where we are but inside the actual waiting area, there were steel benches like the ones I've seen earlier. I got too amazed with what I'm seeing that I momentarily forgot about the reason why I am here in the first place.

Oh Gosh, Celestine!

I looked back at Sam and she was fiddling with her fingers with her head down. "Sam, what's wrong?"

"I..." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I was planning to write whatever I have to say and just send you the letter because I couldn't muster my courage. But then, I saw you in the airport. And it was like being hit by a thunder and saying I should apologize in person."

"But why? I... I don't understand."

"You're smart, Cian. I don't know why it never occurred to you. Or maybe because you trusted me too much to even come to that conclusion."

I shook my head at her. "Sam. Sam, I don't understand what you were trying to say," I said with my voice laced with confusion.

"I plotted everything, Cian," she declared.

She took a deep breath and smiled. "It was very immature of me to plot against you but I still did it. At that time, all I think about is what I lost because of you."

"You are Liandra's beloved sister... and she was the one who stole the man I'm supposed to marry." I stumbled back upon hearing it.


Sam chuckled and sighed. "You probably didn't know that part."

"I- I don't. Everything happened too fast. I was just informed that Ate Lian will be married to shift the focus of the reporters and lessen the chance of my scandal."

"I know, Cian. I remember it all. It was engraved in my mind. How I lost the one that I love. How I lost the one that I dreamed to be with in the future. How I lost the only person I have."

"But we know each other before that incident. Does it mean you were with Kuya Sandro that time?"

"Yes. That night, I saw you with Luke and I just laughed it off because it wasn't the first time I've seen you with a guy. What I didn't know was it would be the last time to be with Sandro because everything was shaken up the next morning... because of you — the princess of the Nuevo."


"I lost my love then you return as if no life was ruined. It angered more. Because how could you smile at me like that as if nothing happened?"

"I didn't know, Sam. I never knew that... that Kuya Sandro sacrificed you for the marriage."

"Sacrifice? Yes, he did. But it wasn't just him who sacrificed. I surrendered myself to make revenge on you. And Luke became the perfect and final ingredient for my revenge."


"He could have been the final piece of the puzzle if only you two didn't break up. If only I discovered his history with Lian a bit early than Bea, I would have divulge the truth and ruin you. Because I know Luke is your weakness, Cian. The ever composed Ciandra always loses composure when it comes to him."

A tear fell from my eye. "You were willing to victimized Luke to ruin me?"

"I told you," she said and looked at me. "When I lost myself, I was willing to do everything to get back at you. There was no pity left on me, Cian. You should know that since you also felt the pain of losing someone you loved."

"No, we are different, Sam."

"How different? Didn't you sacrifice Luke when you spiraled down?" She asked and I was at loss for an answer. "That's how he ended up Simoune, remember?"

"Then I suggested you to Sim's wedding," she admitted. "I thought I could hurt you and make you feel my pain. Because I only wanted to love, Cian. But you took it away from me! How was that fair?"


"It was your recklessness that night that brought the misery to everyone around you, Cian! Then I thought I would be happy after seeing you in a miserable state — just as I was. But it never gave me even a bit of joy."

"Seeing you in pain didn't give any justice to what I've experienced. I am still miserable, Cian," her voice quivered and I knew she was crying but I couldn't make myself look at her.

"That's why I decided to let go of everything. Aristotle is right. How could I be happy if kept myself locked in the past? He said that the door was open but I won't budge because I kept waiting for someone to open the door for me."


"Now, this is my apology. It was you but it was my choice to have myself chained in the past. That's why I think I owe you an apology."

"But you were just hurt, Sam."

She shook her head. "You were hurt too, Cian. But you chose to get out of the room. I didn't. And that was on me."

"And now it's time to go back home — to where I could be me," she said and smiled at me. "Thank you for the friendship, Cian."

I nodded and enveloped her into a hug. "Know that people make mistakes and people learn from their mistakes. You don't have to be hard on yourself, Sam. Go out and leave the room."

"Thank you, Cian," she said releasing from the hug to wipe her tears. "And oh before I go, Aris wanted me to tell you that he will be waiting in Elite for you."

The Intertwined Fate (Serendipity Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now