26 - Grovel

18 0 0

April 2021

It was the silence that enveloped us both. I rendered her speechless and I kept my silence. I have nothing else to say. That word was enough to tie the loose ends of this intertwined fate. I don't want to make Luke suffer and I don't want to make Simoune a fool.

Bea sighed and stood up from her seat. "Alright, if that's what you want, Cian. But you know there is no way we could turn back things, right?"

"I don't intend to turn things around, Bea." Because my resolve is now clear, I could discard my pain but I cannot inflict pain on people around me.

After looking at me one last time, Bea decided to leave. She didn't ask me again which is weird because she is the type of person to triple-check everything before doing something. I guess I am an exception.

I became busy checking the order of other customers when Summer announced Aris' arrival. Tumayo naman agad ako para harapin siya. He is a VIP, after all. Sumaludo siya sa akin nang makita ako kaya natawa ako sa kaniya. Then I led him to the closet where I stored his clothes.

"Wow, I feel special," he commented after seeing the closet.

I chuckled. "Well, you are a very important person. Might as well use all of its advantages," I joked because some VIPs tend to use this card to become more demanding of the changes of their order.

"Advantages such as?"

I opened the closet before answering him. "Some demanded outrageous changes on their clothes without charging them an additional fee and some asked for discounts. Those opportunities," I shrugged.

Aris took a step to check his clothes. I could see that he is very thorough in checking it. He really checks every detail of his suit, even the quality. Then my eyes drifted to his side face. I never got to see this side of him. He really looks like a devil in disguise like what Luke said. Eyebrows furrowed and thin glued lips - no wonder people are terrified of him.

"Well," he said, getting my attention. "I like how detailed you are. From what you have seen, I'm very picky. But I like how you made every detail of my suit worth staring at. Not all designers could do that."

My cheeks heated. I never heard a compliment like that! Some would just say it's pretty or good work. But hearing that he actually appreciated everything makes me blush. I bit my lip and held my head high. I even placed my arms behind me, boasting.

"I'm flattered," I said.

Aris chuckled. "You should be." Then he checked his watch before tilting his head to the side. "It's almost dinner. Early dinner with me?"

I reluctantly nodded. I never dined with anyone but Luke and Lucas. He will be the first which made me scared a bit. We're friends but why do I feel like I will be cheating on Luke if I dined with Aris? I mean, Luke and I aren't even in a relationship. This is crazy.

"So, it's a no? You seem hesitant," Aris said when I didn't respond.

Alright. I am single and this - this is just a friendly dinner. "I'll dine with you. Let me just close your beloved closet and get my things."

"Cool," Aris nodded and pointed to the door. I released a sigh when he exited the room. I managed to calm myself and remove all unnecessary thoughts in my head before leaving the room. Aris was looking at other suits when he noticed my presence in the store.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. He jokingly offered his arms which I took before leaving the store. Then he opened the car door for me. I thought it would be a silent ride but Aris is far from being a silent driver.

"I tried this resto one time to dine with a client for his account. It was his suggestion to eat there and to my surprise, he was the chef."

"So you waited until the customers subside or what?"

"I waited," he chuckled. "Well, he apologized for that. It was a sudden takeover because the chef for that day suddenly felt sick. To make up for that, he served me different kinds of meals from their menu."

"For free?" He nodded. "Oh wow. He must be filthy rich to not charge you anything. Having a free coupon for anything is a rare incidence, you know."

"Agree. Though in my defense, no matter how much I liked the free food, I offered to pay. It's just they didn't accept any payment from me. So I decided to eat there so I could pay properly this time."

I was about to reply when he suddenly pulled over and removed his seatbelt. "And we're here."

Shocked, I looked beside me and gasped at the sight. It was an ancient building, I suppose. Given the bricks and stones surrounding the place, it gives off the feeling of a historical building. Even the lighting and lamps of the place are antique looking! This... is amazing.

"It's beautiful," I muttered under my breath.

"I know," Aris replied. "I have the same reaction during my first step in here."

I was busy looking around when a familiar face entered the facade. "Levi," I called.

"Hello, Cian," he said, greeting me with a smile, before turning to Aris. "Hello, fucker."

Aris snickered. "That's not a nice way to greet a customer, Levi."

"Wait, you know each other?" I asked.

"I suppose we do, unfortunately," Levi answered which I didn't get. Then he led us inside the hall where tables and chairs were set up.

"You are the chef, Levi? But I thought you're a doctor?"

Levi side-glanced me before answering. "I'm not the chef, Cian. I just -" he paused. "I work here temporarily while I'm on leave from the hospital."

"Oh, alright." Levi seems like omitting the truth from me that's why I decided to let go. He must not be comfortable talking about it. Then he showed us the table with a majestic view of the city.

I was too awed with the view that I nearly forgot to order if I wasn't reminded by Aris. "I think I'm in love in this place, Aris."

"You could always come back here, Cian. Besides, it's too early to say that especially since you haven't tried their food. You might grovel here."

When the food arrived, I can't help but agree with Aris. "I really think I will grovel, Aris." He laughed before eating his food.

"I mean, look at the serving! Not to mention their plating. This is too good to be true." I shook my head at how delicious the food is. I don't watch food shows to actually have a word to describe the taste but I know it's exquisite.

Up to the last course which is the desert, I was speechless. Aris mostly laughed at my reaction every time I taste the food that I ordered. Pina-patikim din naman niya yung kaniya but the bastard only let me taste one spoon per food. He is selfish! But I can get why - their food will make you eat the very last spoon left on your plate.

"You good?" Aris asked.

I wiped my mouth before nodding at him. I didn't even try to hide the grin on my face. I am that happy. "I think this place erased all my good memories of other restos."

"That fast? You haven't even explored other places, Cian."

"Well, I don't know any other resto that could top this place," I answered with a shrug. I turned away from Aris and took my bag to place it on my lap as I was preparing to leave.

"If I say... I know another place, would you come with me again?"

The Intertwined Fate (Serendipity Series #1) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant