12. Take Your Best Shot

Start from the beginning

"I promise vaera. I promise."


''A word?''

''I take it he's gone.''

''We're finished here. We're leaving.'' Rhaenyra demanded

''What of your offer? Jace and Helaena?'' Laenor countered

''I have been undermined... and made a spectacle. They whisper about me in the corridors. Well, I leave them to it.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''To Dragonstone then?'' Laenor offered

''We should've left years ago.'' Rhaenyra admitted. "I am going to talk to Vaera. I'm sure she and the girls and little Viserys will join us as well.''

''What of your position?'' Laenor countered

''You've always said if you were absent from court, she would pour her honey in your father's ear. The wise sailor flees the storm as it gathers.'' Rhaenyra offered she glanced back at Qarl. ''Laenor... bring him. We'll need every sword we can muster.''


A fire broke out at Harenhal, when Harwin and Lyonel arrived, it consumed it. Trapping the Strongs inside.

''Fire! I will burn!"

"Harwin! Are you there?"

"Ah! Harwin! Gael!'' Lyonel screamed out banging on the door trying to break it down they screamed out in agony. The flames consumed them. The building in pieces, they reported three crispy bodies, declared the Strongs. Lyonel. Gael. Harwin....


''What are children, but a weakness? A folly? A futility? Through them, you imagine you cheat the great darkness of its victory." Larys remarked. ''You will persist forever, in some form or another. As if they will keep you from the dust.''

''But for them... you surrender what you should not. You may know what is the right thing to be done, but... love stays the hand.'' Bodies burned all over the world, some of dragon, some of mass chaos.

''Love... is a downfall. Best to make your way through life unencumbered... if you ask me.'

''They're dead.'' Alicent remarked.

''You've heard the stories of Harrenhal, Your Grace. It was built in hubris by Harren the Black as a monument to his own greatness. Blood mixed into the mortar. It is said to be a cursed place. That it passes judgment on all who pass beneath its gates.'' Larys remarked softly.

''You... You passed judgment.'' Alicent corrected

''The Queen makes a wish. What servant of the realm would not strive to fulfill it? I assume you will write to your father now?'' Larys questioned softly.

''Larys... I did not wish for this.''  Alicent reminded him.

''I feel certain you will reward me... when the time is right.''

"And if it gets back to me Vaera will have my head faster then you can receive your said reward." Alicent hissed.


''Vaera.'' Aegon ran up behind her. "I heard about Harwin... I'm so sorry."

''Aegon..." Vaera whimpered. ''Is he really gone?''

''I'm so sorry vaera.'' Aegon declared pulling her to him.

''He can't be.'' She whimpered sobbing into him. ''He just cant be..."

"Im so sorry vaera." It was all he could say.

"How did it... how could he..." vaera couldnt form complete sentences. Her head jumbled up with sadness and pain. "I cant... I just..." vaera sobbed into him. She didnt know how long she cried for.

''Y- you loved him." Aegon whispered and she nodded into him.

"I dont want him to be gone Aegon." Vaeras teeth chattered as Aegon wiped at her tears. Her voice broke as she spoke. "I... I don't want to be alone right now." Aegon hugged her gently as she sobbed. "I can't believe he is gone. He can't be..." she felt her heart breaking and she couldnt breathe her knees felt weak and she thought she might die on the spot.

"I'm here. I'm still here for you Vaera." Aegon whispered. He held her in his arms as a silent tear dripped onto his shirt. Her necklace becoming damp with tears clinging to her chest. Her cookie charm that Harwin gave her years ago. She hadnt taken it off since Harwin gave it to her.

Harwin gave the best hugs she felt like she was wrapped up in Harwin cocooned in love.

"Vee?" vaera let go of Aegon and sobbed into Rhaenyra. "Are they... are they..." Rhaenyra couldnt even speak.

"Yes." Vaera whimpered out. "What am I going to tell the children?"

Rhaenyra knew that Haezel and Aemma knew of their true parentage vizzy was too young to understand and her boys were starting to suspect the same but knowing their true father was gone. without any doubt or hesitation of fact. Harwin Strong was their father, they knew this for years.

"We will get through this together, as we always have." Rhaenyra assured.

Aegon stared back at the sisters as they cried and cried endlessly. He wanted to help but knew there was nothing he could do.

Haunted // Aegon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now