Windows and Fights

Start from the beginning

Oh. I didn't know that. He turns my face to him.

"Come on, the others are worried." He starts climbing down the tree. I follow. He leads me back to the bounty. I follow behind him silently. We come across the others.

"Lloyd!" Five relieved voices say. I look down at the ground, embarrassed. Cole puts a hand on my back.

"Come on, you must be tired." I didn't notice how tired I was until he said that. He guides me to my room. I fall asleep almost immediately.


Kai's P.o.v.

It's been a few hours. Lloyd stumbles into the room. He sits down next to us and watches the movie we just put in with us. We sit quietly. The movie is almost over when Nya burst into the room.

"Guys! There's a robbery in Ninjago City! There are roughly twenty hostages!" We head out. Let's just hope we're not too late.


Lloyd's P.o.v.

"Okay, guys. We're gonna split into groups and sneak in. Group one will focus on getting the hostages out, group two will take out the reinforcement, and group three will take out the main attackers." I tell them, splitting them into three groups. I label them all in turn.

"Okay, I will be part of group three. Now, get in, get out, stay unnoticed." They nod. We break up and sneak in. The plan goes smoothly until the guy I was fighting pulled out a controller. I throw a punch at him, which lands square on his jaw. He whips something out of his pocket, and I instinctively duck, thinking it's a gun. He smacks me in the head and I fall, feeling my strength give out. 

"STOP! OR I WILL EXPLODE THIS BUILDING!" He shouts. The people still inside, which is still more than half, scream in horror. The others hold their positions and look at me. I motion for them to stop. He laughs. "Looks like I win." I silently try to figure out a plan. 

"Lloyd, we can't let him get away!" Kai's voice says.

"But we can't let him blow up the building!" Zane retaliates. I rub my head. My headache is coming back. 

"There is a third option," He says, breaking my train of thought. "Your precious green ninja fights me. Alone. Just me and him."

"No! Lloyd, you can't do that!"

"So what will it be, then? Death for the innocent people still inside, or just you die?" I drop my gaze. I desperately look for a plan. The window. We're five floors up. But that would mean certain death for both of us. Every option is bleak.

"Ten more seconds!" He taunts. Looks like I'll have to die. Oh well. Duty before self.

"I'll fight you!"

 I gather the rest of my strength and stand up. I stagger towards him and kick him in the stomach. He topples forward before whipping around and punching me in the jaw. I swing at him and manage to hit him right above the eye. He pulls out a knife.

"Scared?" He asks, swinging the knife, which I barely avoid. I shake my head.

"No," I say, trying to land a kick on his knee to dislocate it.

"You should be. You and your little Ninj-nerds are gonna die tonight!" He says with glee. I catch a glimpse of myself in the window. I have a black eye starting to form, and blood is trickling out of my mouth. He hits me over the head and everything goes black for a second. He stabs me while I'm still getting my bearings.  I hear the people scream, but distantly as if they're far away. The robber twists the knife as he pulls it out. My ears are ringing slightly. I fall to the ground, convulsing. This is it. This is how I die. After all I've been through, this is how I die. After all the damn people who tried to kill me, a simple motherfucking robber is gonna take me out! I press one hand over my stab wound. I slowly rise to my feet and teeter over to him. 

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