"Heya, bud. Can you tell us what happened?" I ask. Tears are sliding down his face. Jay sits next to him and rubs his back.

"He, well, um, I was going to my dormitory, and I heard him screaming. I realized the principal was beating him again, so I went back to the janitor's closet to get some supplies. When I got back, the window was open. I climbed onto the roof just in time to see him jump. I-" His voice broke off into a sob. "I ran downstairs and got the nearest teacher. I knew they didn't like us, but they would still at least do something." He finished.

"Thank you. That's all we need." I tell him.

"What's your name?" Jay asks him.

"B-Brad." Jay hugs him.

"Okay, Brad, he'll be okay. Don't worry." Jay assures him.

"He'd been talking about running away for a while. The teachers overheard him, and the beatings got worse. He'd come back barely conscious sometimes. Then one day while I was treating him, he just looked me dead in the eyes and said, 'I can't keep doing this. One day, I'm gonna jump. Then I'll finally be free.' He scared me so bad." He sobs into Jay's shirt.

"Hey, it's okay bud," I tell him, dropping to my knees and rubbing his back. He finally calms down and heads back inside. Jay and I finish up and head to the hospital.


When we get to the hospital, we see Zane and Cole waiting in the waiting room. I sit down, and Zane starts rubbing my back absent-mindedly. Jay leans against Cole's legs. After what feels like hours, we're allowed to see him. We walk in and see that he's still unconscious. The nurse turns to us.

"This was in his hand," She says, handing us a crumpled piece of paper. I take it and sit in a guest chair. I unfold it and read it.

To whomever this may concern, I am Lloyd Garmadon. I jumped because I couldn't handle it anymore. I was dying anyways. Brad did his best, but I could feel it. I was slowly fading. I had a bad life. Maybe I'll get a second chance. Maybe not. At least I'll finally be at peace. I don't truly know what happiness feels like. Maybe I'll get t know. Maybe not. Goodbye, world. You threw everything you had at me, only for me to jump off a building. Maybe someone will care. Probably not. I am ready to find out what happiness means. Tell Brad that I'll think about him every day where I'm going.

- Lloyd Garmadon

My hands started shaking. Cole gives me a worried look. I hand them the note, dropping my eyes and turning my head away. There's silence for a bit. Finally, Cole's voice breaks it.

"Come on. Let's go home." I follow them home in a daze. As soon as we set foot in the monastery, Nya's standing in front of us.

"Well? How'd it go?" No one says anything. "Guys?" Nya asks slowly. I run forward and envelope her in a hug.

"We need to talk," Zane says finally.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

My head is pounding. I thought you couldn't be hurt once you died. I open my eyes. A bright light sets off a worse headache. A woman in a uniform walks in. The words are hard to make out, but when I do, everything clicks. Ninjago hospital. Now I know. The random noises, the flashing of the red and blue lights, the sounds of people trying to talk to me, and the feeling of someone grabbing my wrist.

"Ugh." I groan. The nurse looks at me in surprise.

"You're awake! Let me get the doctor." She says, then leaves. Her voice was too loud. It hurt. Why am I still here? I don't want to be here. When I was falling, I saw a memory I had never seen before. My mother was playing with my at a playground, pushing me on the swings. I smile. I'm glad I didn't forget that one again. My back is numb still. That can't be good.

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