Something Blue - The End

Start from the beginning

"Come on, come on, come on! I can't wait for the others to see you!" Squealed Kim.

"Wait! This ones on my bladder! I'll be right back!" Emily shouted as she waddled down the hall and to the left.

"Where are you going?!" I heard Leah call out from somewhere in the parking area in front of the house. I just laughed. I was suddenly being ushered towards the exit, nearly tripping over the train of my dress when I turned to scold Alice.

"We have everything you need, get, get!" She urged.

"Alice, my children aren't things!" I scolded back, only mildly annoyed. "Hey!" I laughed when I felt her pinch my side lightly.

"If we're late and we are hit with rain, I'm blaming you!"

"Oh please, I know you know it won't," I stopped myself from continuing, remembering my very 'in the dark' sister-in-law and her very human children were in our vicinity.

With Rebecca's children all back at La Push, we had grown worried over them. Would the increased number of vampires be an issue? Would their presence activate their werewolf genes like it did for Jacob and his pack mates? We were hoping that the fact that Becca's children were so young still would work in our favor and delay any fur from sprouting on them. We were being careful, nonetheless, and kept an eye on them the whole time they had been here.

"Wait! The train!" I heard multiple people shout as their hands shot out toward me before I could even turn to sit in the car. I grinned sheepishly at the people lifting the train of my dress to set it inside the car without dirtying it or slamming the car door on it.

"Sorry, there's no way I'm going to remember to keep an eye on that." I laughed nervously. The ladies around me gave me deadpanned looks, shaking their heads.

"And this is what I've been having to deal with." Alice sighed. "I will see you all over there!" She chirped happily before taking off.

"Ready to go sis?" Rachelle asked happily as she shimmied into the spot next to me.

"Of course, she's ready! Look at her!" Rebecca gushed. "Oh Jacob is going to flip!" I laughed at that as I was now sandwiched between the two sisters.

It was a quick ride to where we were going to have the ceremony take place. Mine and Jacob's home was only just a short walk to the clearing behind the lake. I thought it would be beautiful. Jacob had agreed. Although there was a lot of pushback from our relatives, given it was hard for wheels to get through. My brothers had been oh so very helpful in arranging a temporary trail for our human friends.

I could see the pew from where we were parking, the pretty white arch that went over it was adorned with vines, flowers and small fairy lights. The benches and chairs were the same used for Bella and Edward's wedding. The only difference was the flowers. This time around, we went with dark reds, greens and navy blues. I spotted Jacob's court before I spotted him. My three brothers were there, along with Seth, Embry, Quil and Sam.

I found it so funny to see the wolf boys toying with their bow ties and pulling at their collars. I heard Emily's soft chuckle as she spotted Sam smacking at Quil and Embry who pulled on their ties too much and they came undone. Jacob was talking to Edward. I could see he kept biting at his lip and cracked his fingers. It was obvious he was anxious. I was too. We were both so ready to get this over with. We were much too excited to be husband and wife already. I couldn't help the smile on my lips at the site of him.

"Easy, sweetheart. Almost there." I heard one of Jacob's sisters whisper. I just chuckled. Alice's car was already parked and she was motioning to us from the makeshift isle she had made from the forest green carpet.

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