Dark Side- Chapter Forty One

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My aim was off and I could hear her laugh as she skidded to a stop, her fangs growing. I've never been so scared of a person just staring at me. My arm felt limp as I held the gun out, aiming at her heart. I had one bullet left, we both knew it. At the same time though I knew that as soon as my arm muscle moved to pull the trigger she'd run. 

"You know nothing your doing is fair." I told her, trying to catch her off guard with the calmness in my voice.

She was unfazed as she hooked her thumbs in the waist of her jeans, "You know I don't give a shit."

"Well I thought if  you wanted to win, you'd want to win fairly." I sighed, dragging my free hand over my face, the blood and sweat mixing together into just gross. I felt gross. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to just shot her in the face and be gone. I was so over her threats and her snappy comebacks, I just wanted some hot chocolate. Or a nice apple. 

"I just want to win, I don't care about the cost. I'm the bad guy. Why should I give a shit about your morals? Why should I care about how unfair this is? I just want to snap your neck and leave." She growled.

We were both tired then, "Why don't you?"

"Don't test me." She snarled, stepping forward. 

"Can I?" 

Our heads both snapped in the direction of the roof door. I smiled as Darrin and Brian stood in the doorway, Brian bursting through onto the roof first. He crouched in a stance that was too much like an animal to be human. His head lowered and a dangerous sparkle in his eyes as he watched Vivian. She looked back and forth between the two, trying to figure out who would move first. Darrin was standing with his hands in his pockets, a lazy grin across his face as he stared at me. God I taught them well. They were complete opposites of each other, one dangerous, one not so. We both new who Vivian was concentrating on. 

I relaxed my hand, letting the gun fall. I smiled at Darrin as his muscles all sprung forward at once. He was a fluid blur to me, but to Vivian he was deadly. Darrin slammed Vivian into the roof as Brian circled the two of them, Darrin had Vivian matched for every move and I could tell they were both ticked. 

I was so concentrated on the battle I didn't notice Ian until his hands snaked around my waist. I leaned back into him. My body finally relaxing, his scent intoxicating. 

"You're exhausted." He mumbled into my neck. 

"Mm." I mumbled back.

I could already feel my eyelids getting heavier with every breath he took, his chest was so comfortable. His heart pumping blocked out the sounds of Vivian and Darrin exchanging wounds, Brian yelling things at Darrin as they switched partners. It was just us. The threats of the world could wait if my head was against his chest and his arms locked around me. 

Then everything jumped back. Reality slammed me into the ground again, pain shooting up my spine. I opened my eyes, Ian was gone, Darrin and Brian were both on the ground. I was laying on my back, the sky starting to fall in front of me. I picked myself up. Where's Ian? I spun around, my head getting dizzy. Where's Ian? Everything was silent. Where's Ian? My heart beat a mile per minute, I scanned the roof top, he wasn't here. I ran to the door, tripping over the threshold as I scampered down the hallway. I could hear them now. Ian's grunts and Vivian's screams. It sounded good, like he was winning but as I slide around the corner it was bad, really bad. 

Ian was standing beside Vivian on the balcony I've never noticed before. Other vampires smiled and laughed up at them as Vivian slammed him against the rails, against the ground. He was like a doll. Every slam stung. I felt his arm snap, heard it too. My control on my anger loosening with every sound, every movement. But I couldn't move. 

Vivian's eyes met mine and she let out another furious cry, "Look who joined the party! Come to see your lap dog die?" 

I smiled, a wicked grin if any, "Are you sure he's going to die?" 

My feet moved all at once as Vivian took a while to realize what I said. She yelled something but I didn't hear it. I was moving faster than any human should have, I was running along the walls, doing twists and flips over the vampires that got in my way. Everything was like a big blur until finally my foot smashed into the side of Vivian's face. 

She gasped, her hold on Ian broken as we tumbled onto the ground, I pulled out the last knife that was in my boot. I never dropped my smile as I pushed the knife against her neck. She closed her eyes like I was about to punch her, not take her life. I paused, I know I shouldn't have but I paused. 


Everything fucking hurt. I blacked out after the last few slams. I don't know why but I just stopped fighting back, I just couldn't do it anymore. Vivian laughed. I struggled to open my eyes, everything blurry as I'm sure I had some sort of fucking head issue now. I saw Sophie sitting on Vivian's stomach, a knife pressed against Vivian's neck, but Vivian was smiling like the Cheshire cat. She was done, but she was smiling. 

I squinted my eyes, there was something off about this whole situation. 

"Do it." I heard Vivian whisper, then she pulled Sophie forward so she could whisper in her ear. 

I strained my ears to hear something, but got nothing. Then everything happened in slow motion. Vivian's hand gripped something off the ground- a piece of broken wood. She raised the piece to Sophie's back. I cried out Sophie's name, and she turned to look at me. My eyes wide as Vivian dove the wood into her back. My back exploded, I could feel every splinter as I screamed for her, tears blurring my vision. Then I heard the railing snap, I heard Darrin and Brian cry out, I felt blood against my face, vampire blood. 

Everything was pain, I heard pain, I felt pain, I smelled pain, I saw pain and I breathed pain. The blurry world faded and I heard Brian call out to me, followed by a swear word, followed by nothing. I was falling into a world of black, I was listening to Darrin scream Chryson. Then I was nothing. 

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