"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 110

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Chapter 110

December 17/2022

Dear Deary, 

"From my rotting body , flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."

Edvard Munch.

   One day we will all die and this is inevitable, but what kind of life we ​​live depends on what garden of flowers will remain of us.

   For many, this will not be clear, but I am not afraid of death like many, I do not have a panic fear of it. For some reason, it always seems to me that death is not the end at all, but only a new beginning, and that nothing and no one leaves completely. Death is just a guide to something completely different, hell, heaven, rebirth, depending on your soul. Life is hard, but I would probably like to be reborn at least a few more times so that my soul can get acquainted with the incredible technological future that films like "Blade Runner 2049" (2017) tell us about, even if the current me does not know about it.

   Strange, but I even know what I would like to have done with my body after my death. I would like my body to be burned, I would not want my body to be eaten by worms or to rot in the ground. But I wouldn't want to be dust in an urn. I would like my ashes to be scattered over some beautiful place or place that I will love, so that my relatives and descendants (if they are born of course) can come to this place to tell me something through this place or just feel my support. Or at least to make a diamond out of my ashes and place it in a silver pendant that could be inherited, but a pendant that is suitable not only for women, but one that a man can wear, something that is suitable regardless of gender, so that  it could be passed from parent to child, regardless of whether this child is a boy or a girl, although I understand that in order to become such an ornament, you need to occupy not the last place in importance in life for at least one century.

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