"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

November 20/2022

Dear Deary, 

"We are so afraid of being intrusive, that seem indifferent."

Erich Maria Remarque.

   Sometimes somebody hurt us a lot. Not! Not even, sometimes! Each of us has such people who give us painful  wounds once, and maybe not even once, and it is after such people that we harden so that we will never be hurt like this again.

   Often it is after the pain that others bring us that we become cold. We are not always cold people, in fact, we are simply afraid to intrusive ourselves to others, afraid to be unnecessary, afraid that everything will happen again and it will hurt again.

   Often we are not cold and not cruel, in fact, this coldness and indifference, it's just armor, protection, we create it consciously and unconsciously, but with one goal, to protect ourselves, but deep in our souls we are still soft and pliable for something new as before. And the truth is that we are just waiting for someone who will treat us differently than someone who hurt us, we are waiting for someone who will be truly interested, someone who can get through the built-in protection, no matter what it costs him.

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