"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

December 4/2022

Dear Deary,

"If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit."


   We often come up with a lot of activities, goals and other things to be productive and do everything, but rest is also very important.

   I know that I am not quite the person from whom you want to hear these words, because I always work non-stop and at the same time freak out that I don’t have time to do anything. I do work every day, but I rarely push myself to the point of burnout lately. You don't must yourself to the point where you just disconnect from the world for a few days, just to stay these days on the bed. It's like with a phone, each of us has a sensor inside that shows that our internal battery is running out and we need to rest, just like we put the phone on charge. A person in this is surprisingly similar to his smartphone, if the phone is constantly brought to 0, while ignoring alerts that he needs recharging, then his battery will quickly fail and will not hold a charge at all, the same with a person, if you feel like you can't do it anymore and you need a rest, just give yourself that rest. It's better to rest when you need it, and not to be out of the world for a few days.

   And yet you don't need any specific day of the week to rest, everyone has their own internal battery of charge and sometimes even it, in the moments works differently, you may have bursts of energy when you want to move mountains and put the world at your feet, but there are also moments when  this energy is not so much, focus on this moments and, if possible, redistribute energy.

   Try to work as it is convenient for you, if you feel that you have enough energy to work for a couple of months without rest, then work, if you feel that now you need a weekend or even a vacation, just give yourself it and recharge yourself.

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