"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

September 7/2022

Dear Deary,

"The way you feel when you kiss him for the first time.
Like a fire within your bones.
Like your soul has returned to the water.
Like every part of you that come from a dead stars is alive again."

Nikita Gill

"That First Kiss"

   You need to love the one whose kisses are sweeter each time than the first kiss, and not the one from whose kisses you want to run further and further each time.

   As Oscar Wilde said, "Never love someone who treats you like an ordinary person." None of us is ordinary in the eyes of someone who truly loves. And you need to love the one who treats you as the most valuable jewel in his life and the world.

   You need to love not the one for whom you will be ready for anything, and he will only remain silent in response. You need to love someone who will be ready for everything for you, just like you are for him.

   You need to love in such a way that every day you fall in love with your beloved more and more with every moment of life.

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