"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

November 1/2022

Dear Deary,

"Don't be proud of your appearance because didn't you created it. Be proud of your soul. You are her sculptor."

Tim Burton.

   I noticed that many parry with their appearance, humiliating others, but this is stupid, although appearance and them, it's does not belong to them, they are not creat it. In addition, this is doubly stupid, because everyone in appearance is beautiful, and beautiful in its own way for those who want to see.

   But the soul, it was not born by us, but we are its blacksmith. It's like with metal, it exists, but only we decide what will come out of this metal in the end. So it is with the soul, you can make it shine with a special light, or you can make it rot. And this choice is yours. Of course, the appearance can also be changed, but only the appearance that is given to you by your nature it's real beauty, and the rest is already artificial.

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