"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

July 22/2022

Dear Deary, 

"It is a risk to love.
What if it doesn't work out?
Ah, but what if it does."

Peter McWilliams.

   I wonder how many opportunities have we always missed? Not only in love. All in all.

   Sometimes I feel like I missed out on too much. Sometimes I think: "What if I had realized earlier what I really want to be? Would my life be different?"

   It's true, if even at school I had clearly realized that I wanted to become a writer, maybe my life would have been different? Perhaps I would have entered a college that would have been directed specifically to this specialty, and not to the one that I was forced to enter. Perhaps I would have lived elsewhere and already achieved something? Perhaps my books would already be successful and sold in bookstores, and not published on a site where no one reads them...?

   Too much "if", and in fact, I'm still the same loser. Here is such life. How much I do not fight everything in vain.

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