"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

October 30/2022

Dear Deary,

"Улыбнись, и пусть все ломаю голову, что у тебя на уме." — "Smile and let everyone puzzle over what's on your mind."

Антон Чехов.

   A smile is sometimes the most important mystery. Much can be hidden behind a smile. Behind a smile can hide both truth and lies. Behind a smile you can hide a lot of thoughts and ideas. Behind a smile can hide love and hate. Behind a smile you can hide joy, disappointment, distrust and even hostility.

   A smile has great power. It can hide a lot of knowledge of the truth, generating new lies in other people's lips, and with this smile you can make a person give out the whole truth. A smile can change the mood in both directions. Smiling can support or destroy.

   A smile can hide billions of thoughts, forcing you to try to unravel what will be completely impossible to unravel.  A smile can attract and repel. You can love for a smile, or you can hate it.

   A smile is a dangerous weapon if you know how to use it.

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