"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

November 14/2022

Dear Deary,

"Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art."

Kurt Cobain.

   Pain is sometimes just an eternal source for creativity.

   We can suffer our tragedy by letting the pain consume us, but we can also use our pain for our own personal benefit.

   Pain sometimes creates the best art, no less bright than love can create.

   But even if you have nothing to do with art, you can also use your pain and tragedy. Pain can be turned into anger, and anger is a very powerful source of energy. Anger is a gift to someone who can interpret it to their advantage. Pain never goes to waste, it makes us stronger and sometimes even much wiser due to painful conclusions.  Just look how much art was born from heartache and tragedies in the world, literally every great person who created masterpieces of art had his own personal tragedies and transferred these feelings to art.

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