"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

July 30/2022

Dear Deary, 

"exitus acta probat:" — "the outcome justifies to deed."

   I hope that this is true and that in the end the end justifies and the means, and the pain.

   I don’t know, I want to sincerely believe in it, because I still want to understand that everything was not in vain.

   If nothing works out, I still won't give up, I don't even know how to give up, and yet I want to finally begin to understand that this is not in vain, or rather, not only because I only need it , I want more.

   And who wouldn't want more? Every singer wants his songs to be enjoyed by others and listened to. Each actor wants to get a role that he will like and give many more roles. Every artist would not mind if his paintings were been in museums and the whole world could see them. Every scientist would like to make an incredible discovery that will be remembered and possibly be useful to mankind. Likewise, a writer wants to write books all his life so that they are in demand and read by people.

   And these are all perfectly normal desires.

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